I never told about Will's Christmas party. I would have to say it was a pretty good one this year. I didn't end up going, but Will had a good time. They held it in costco and gave every employee a $150 gift card. If you actually went then they gave you another $50. How cool is that. Will also hit the Jackpot and won the drawing and got an additional $100. We actually won a drawing. On top of that they had games that you could win $5 gift certificate. Will tried the football toss and the basketball, but lost, so he went for a more manly sport and won twice at the hula hoop. Go Will!!
He also enjoyed a nice hot breakfast and at the very end they gave him a pointseta plant. Ok no it is not what you are thinking. This as Matt described it is a "bush." This thing is huge! When Jason stands up, the plant is still taller then him. Mom I think I am going to bring it home. I have watered it once so far. I am thinking that I can keep it alive for a few weeks.

Well I guess I am airing my dirty laundry. HAHA what a terrible joke. I tried and tried to stop Jason from getting into the cabinet, but he was smarter then me. I put the laundry in front, but he took everything out and moved it for me. What a big help.

Tracie gave Jason a bath. Jason slipped and well that was the result.

We saw this cart. I don't think it has been used for a while, what do you think?

Ok so this leash was pretty funny and one point in the airport we had Jason on the leash and he was yelling at people as they walked by. He was like a little puppy. People must have thought we were crazy, but it worked. He sort of had his freedom and we didn't have to chase after him, it worked for me.
1 comment:
That's why I don't let Tracie give me bath anymore! :)
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