The boys are off snowboarding today and last night they were at Kade's aunt's house, so it was a pretty quite night. It has been nice today have our routine back, but I do enjoy the company.
Last night was a night of shopping, pretty boring stuff, but we did see Art and Steph drive through the parking lot at target. There are not to many red jettas out there with that storage thing on the roof.
On last thing I forgot to write. The other night I made the boys biscuits and gravy. Well I made eggs too, but I forgot to put the lid back on the salt shaker and well I dumped probably 1/4 of a cup in the eggs. I tried my best to scoop the salt out and I served them anyways. Cooper was trying to be so nice about it when he was eating them. I took one bite, spit them out, and through the eggs away. They tasted like salt through and through. Will told me they weren't to bad if you ate them with a LOT of other stuff. They didn't want me to make any more eggs for them after that. Oh well!
Yesterday the boys went skateboarding for 2 1/2 hours during the day and the rest of the time they were at my house. I was going crazy. The morning wasn't to bad because I rented Casino Royale and Watched that with them, they seamed to enjoy it. So when they came back they played Guitar Hero (it is the second one Troy) from 4-9. And they don't play it quite they turn up the volume so that the person right next to you can't hear you talking to them. It is crazy.
Well I was going crazy. The girls they were suppose to hang out with had to study or her mom was mad at her, so I called Kelly Coombs. That was a life saver. I asked her to get the boys out of my house, so she invited them to come over and do what you ask, play guitar hero. I laughed when she said that, but the guys enjoyed getting out of the house.
They all seamed to have a great time. Susan I guess is pretty good at the game. She played with them for quite a while. She hosts guitar hero party's at her house and they have brackets and everything. Pretty interesting, I would have never expected it.
I think they guys are going to go over tomorrow night too. The plans are still fuzzy, but they had a good time. Kelly was a life saver!
In the video at the very end he gets really excited because his bottle dinged in the microwave. Smart kid knew when he was getting a bottle.
I rented the Holiday from the red box and well Bobbie I was not as impressed with it as you were. It was a cute movie, but there was no long term happy ending for me. Although I could tell that I was hormonal and almost started to cry during the very first part. (If you have not seen it it really isn't that sad. The main character leaves to LA for a few weeks). Yeah I was tearing up over that. I would have to say I am still better then my mom when she was pregnant, she once cried over the cartoon Transformers. Yes you heard it right a kids cartoon.
I didn't see much of the boys yesterday because it was "family day" (no we don't count, and that's fine by me. Since it snowed last night and this morning I am quite interested to see what they do today. I also found it interesting that I made cookies, told them they could eat them, and half of them are still sitting there. How odd is that. They were really good if I do say so myself. I guess they are going to Wills work today.
This is the price you pay when having 4 boys here.
Yes it was my fault, I was watching House instead of Jason.
Oh y gosh I am going to shot Jason. This is the 3rd time writing this. So now it is the condensed version. The boys are having a fun time here and Jason has had fun playing with them.
They are into guitar hero and I like to make fun of them. They finally got tired of it and made Will and I play it. Will did great and even went a level higher. I on the other had did horrible. That was to be expected though.
Wow so a lot has happened in the last 3 days. I have been feeling pain in my lower right side that has persisted for at least a week and a half, yes still feeling the pain every once in a while. So I called up my nurse and asked her if i needed to be worried or not. She said she wanted me in to do an ultra sound just in case it was a tubule pregnancy. She then told me to drink 32 oz of water in the next 2 hours and not to go to the bathroom. Oh my gosh. That was painful! 32 oz is a lot of water to hold in your bladder.
I then get in wait for 30 min and then they tell me that I have to have a different kind of ultra sound and that I can go to the bathroom. I will spare you the details of the ultra sound, but they said everything is looking fine so far. I am not as far along as I would have hoped, 6 weeks 1 day. Because I am not that far along we couldn't hear the embryos heart beat. I am just glad that it is not a tubule pregnancy.
Saturday was a morning of disc golfing. It was so weird I was out of the house before 12 on a Saturday. I actually saw yard sales every where. It was crazy.
Sunday Colton and his gang showed up, left, and then came back again. I think they are going to have a fun week.
I also forgot to mention that my moms passports didn't come so she is stuck home this week, but on the bright side my mom, dad, Colton, Jason and I are all going in July. Will doesn't have enough days off work, but I am super excited to go. It is a good thing that Jason and I have passports. Hurray!
Well I tried to attach some pictures, but i am out of luck at the moment. I guess I will try to post pictures on Monday.
Last night Steph and I went to another class. There was a different lady and she was a lot more entertaining. I did not learn as much from her, but it was still fun to get out again. Sorry Trish I didn't call any one yesterday, it was a nauseous day, heck I didn't even talk to Steph. Art and Will were the ones to confirm it.
Ok well that's it for today, yeah I know a little on the boring side today, but what ever.
We bought Jason some bubbles yesterday and I am so light headed from blowing so much. He of course is to young to blow them himself. He can get his lips in the right position, but he doesn't know to blow. Silly kid.
Poor Will yesterday for dinner I could not do meat. Every time I thought of meat it made me sick, so we had a meatless meal. Ok it is one of those meatless meals that he doesn't mind. We ate homemade broccoli soup. Yummy! It is funny I forget to make the soup in the winter, but as soon as it is hot out side I make soup all the time. What a weirdo I am.
Bummer I lost the post and have to write it all over again. My mom left today and it has been a great week and a half. I have really enjoyed her company.
Yesterday I was super exhausted. I sleep fine the night before, but I could not keep my eyes opened. It was crazy. I took a nap with Jason and while we took a nap my mom went to the store and planted flowers in the front yard. I am so excited to see them when they grow. I love the little flowers.
Last night Jason ran a fever so I had to stay home, but my mom went to watch Lucy in her luau thing and Will had a basketball game against the priest's in the ward. It was a pretty official game they had a shot clock, jerseys, and refs. How crazy is that. The men won the game by 4 points in the end. It sounds like it was a pretty good game the whole time.
Here is the video that I meant to put on the blog yesterday.
I missed yesterday, but I was super tired. Friday we went out to eat then hung out and wrote a contract for Colton. He is coming to Utah with some of his friends and my mom wants him to be safe while he is driving here. It is a pretty good contract. My mom asked my dad to help out. What she forgot was that he reads contracts all day long. 2 1/2 pages later we finished the contract. I don't think that my dad forgot anything. It is pretty exact, down to the people in the back seat get to pick the music because they are squished. And there is even a no jerk clause. It is pretty good.
Saturday was a day of basketball games, out to eat, and then to Coltons work. We were able to play some video games and Jason really enjoyed it. I think next time we go he will enjoy it even more. Maybe I will be able to convince Jason to play some games with me.
Sunday was the drive him. I am surprised, but Jason did really really well. We had to take longer breaks then usual, but that is to be understood. He was so happy to be home and still is.
Monday was just a hang out day with my mom, then Matt and Mickie came over and hung out as well. I finally gave Will his disc golf basket and he and Matt played around yesterday. I think he is going to really enjoy the 2nd basket. I will not buy him another one though. I think 2 is more then enough :)
Jason gets really excited for thing, and this trusk is on of those things that gets him super excited.
I first off have to say, Mickie I straightened my hair yesterday and today it is straight as well. After posting the pictures of Colton and I She noticed that my hair was up. She called me up and said "Kristin take your hair out of that ponytail." I looked around and said "How do you know my hair is in a ponytail?" I was so confused and looking around. She told me that she saw the pictures on the blog. She told me before I came here that I needed to have my hair straighten for at least 7 days. I have so much hair breakage and she is tired of looking at it.
Ok enough about that. I was told that the blog is boring when I don't have pictures on them. Humm well it is a good thing that I take lots of pictures.
Here are pictures so that the blog isn't boring today.
We listened to the BYU game last night and Jason had fun with my dad.
Jason also has warmed up to Colton. This morning he keep him company and he went to school. You should have heard the fit once Colton left!
Yesterday was Pi day (3.14). We celebrate by eating pie. I made a banana cream pie, that was way to sweet, and my mom made an apple. There were a few families that came over as well. Jason loved playing with them, especially the little girl that is older by a few weeks.
Other then that it was a pretty relaxing day. I think today will be about the same. I forgot to mention that my mom and I went maternity cloths shopping. I bought 2 new shirts and a pair of pants. My mom bought me a cute shirt that is not maternity, but it sure looks like one, so I am going to wear it when I am bigger. We noticed that the maternity look is coming in to style. The ties in the back and the loose part in front where the belly goes. Very interesting.
I swear that I watched this a billion times. I have at least 140 times on the camera documented. I was trying to catch it on video Colton doing this new trick. After watching it for more then 3 hours my mom and i finally left for the store. Who knew that once we left he nailed the trick. A side note that is pretty weird to me, after you land the trick, you break the board. So every few months or weeks Colton buys a new skate deck. Wow what an expensive hobby if you are really good.
My mom and I while Jason was taking a nap put together our sharing time activity. It is a huge chutes and ladders game. I think the kids will really enjoy this game.
After watching Colton go that trick billions of times We goofed around with the camera. We were laughing so hard at these pictures. I was the first weird face and then we tried to copy the face and well we were not successful, but they are pretty funny looking.
Yesterday was an interesting on for me. I know that I have problems socially some times and yesterday I figured out one of the problems. My mom every other Monday has 40 kids come to her house to eat lunch. I was fine with this, but with in 5 min there was 35 kids standing in line to eat what we had just made. It scared me to death. I stood int he corner and almost started to cry I was so overwhelmed. I just keep thinking to my self this is weird, and I shouldn't be overwhelmed over this. The feeling passed eventually, but it was weird. I have never had a panic attack like that before.
Other then that it was a pretty peaceful day and Jason is getting use to my parents house. He still freaks out when I leave the room, but even that is getting better.
Will is working like crazy. Yesterday when I called him at 10pm he was still working. He told me that he had worked so far an equivalent of 6 over time hours and still had to keep working. I hope today goes a little better for him.
Jason and I are going to Oregon for a week while Will is in Las Vegas. I decided that paying for a plane ticket there was worth my sanity. I think I would have died if i stayed here alone for 6 days. I am going to be gone for a little longer then Will, but he is excited to play his video games and eat spaghetti and pasta roni with tuna. He can do all the single stuff again for a while. Oh and play disc golf as much as he wants.
Speaking of disc golf he went to his imaginary disc golf course again. He has gone 3 times in his dreams now. Will maybe you should get the hint, draw a map and create it one of these days when we are billionaires!
Here is a video of what Will was talking about yesterday with the ta-daas.
We went to the store yesterday and while we were there we found some clearance items. There was a sing and dance Pablo from the backyardagains. It was marked down from 30 bucks to 6. I will pay $6 for batteries that have gone dead. On the way home I gave it to Jason to play with and he LOVED it. He hugged and kissed it the whole way home.
When I changed the batteries that was a whole different story. It worked and it creapped him out. He likes it, but he won't let Pablo dance on the ground, someone always has to hold him.
Will has been getting ready for his week in Las Vegas. They gave out room assignments and work assignments. Lets just say they roomed him with a girl, and out of the hundreds of people that are going there, Will is the only person who has no job assignment. He came home laughing. The guy that did his job before him told him that the first day he has a ton to do, but after that he will be pretty bored. It will be an interesting week.
So Jason's not a quiet kid, but he doesn't say much. He seems content just babbling to himself. Well, he's got a new "trick". For those of you who don't know, I do all the dishes in our house. This often means doing them at lunch or while Kristin's making dinner. Anyway, whenever I finish a batch or finish unloading them, I say "Ta-Daaaaa!!!". Kristin always follows with the obligatory "Yay!!!". No surprise, but Jason's picked up on it and says "Yay!!!" now when I give my cue. It's pretty cute.
It was another day out for Jason and I. Steph and I took the boys to story time at the library. We had been wanting to go for a while now. They sung a few songs and read a few stories, but it was nice for the boys and us to get out of the house again. It makes all of the difference getting out and hanging out with another human being (thanks Steph!).
I have figured out why I am so tired lately. We have been planning to get pregnant in Feb and well the first time was the charm. I felt a little sick after a fabulous dinner that I made and thought "humm tired, sick..." So I took the test early. You all know me I hate to wait and I am terrible at secrets. So it is out in the open. I figure if I miscarry then I miscarry and life will go on. If everything goes right, then I am due around November 16th. I guess I really like to have holiday kids, haha.
If Will and I played our cards right, we should make money off of this kid through aflac. It is a good thing I come from a fertile mother who has passed that gene down to me (hopefully not the twin part!). Anyways, so there is the big news.
The Zoo was great fun yesterday. I think Jason really enjoyed getting out and seeing the animals. I am so glad that Art and Steph called us up. I have to say getting out of the house doing something makes the week feel like it isn't dragging on like usual.
It was a beautiful day to walk around outside and a lot of the animals were out and about. Parker especially had a blast looking at all the animals that "roared."
It truly is sad though. When I got home I was exhausted. Were only walking around for a few hours, but I went to bed at 10:30. I think I need to start walking more often, so I won't be as tired next time we go.
Art and I both took a BILLION pictures. I love having a digital camera. I keep hearing little kids say "I still have 15 pictures left." What a world of a difference digital makes.
I know this is such a random, scattered blog today, but I and exhausted today for some reason. I hope you enjoy the pictures and I am off to take a nap. (I love it that Jason is still taking them!)
The weekend has been another good one. We went to the Lehi pool on Saturday. It was great fun. Of course it took Jason at least 45 min to get use to the place again, but once he did he was playing every where. I had to grab him a few times when he went under the water, but other then that he had a blast. I think Matt had a blast too. They have pressurized guns that shoot water and he and Mickie tried to shoot it as far as it would go.
The only down fall to the trip was when we were putting everything in the car, the driver thought that everyone was in so they started to drive off. I however was not in the car and my foot was placed right in front of the wheel. Yes you heard it right my foot got run over by the car. I am thankful that i hardly have a scratch. Nothing was broken, and i have 1 small bruise. I am very lucky/thankful.
I have to run, Art and Steph are taking Jason and I to the Zoo, how fun!
Humm, the last project this week I worked on was printing off our blogs. I had not updated the file since September, so it took me 4 hours of copying, pasting, and printing. On the bright side I can procrastinate for another 3 or so months, ha ha.
Before I forget again, while we were in California we saw Mr. Echo from lost driving in his very nice car on the freeway. I thought i would share that with you all because that is my only claim to seeing a famous person.
Other then that. the curtains are done, but they are nothing exciting. I can't believe it has almost been 2 years we have lived in this house and we are finally turning it into what we like. With in the last month we have painted the master bed/bathroom and fixed the kitchen . Next we will paint the office and then the living room. It is nice that our landlords let us do what we want (wink, wink). Those projects might take us a while to do.
The last thing is something gross that I want to write about. Jason and I were watching Will's basketball game (they won by the way), and all of a sudden with 17 minutes and 42 seconds left on the clock I felt something warm on my lap. Yes as you guessed it Jason was sitting on my lap and he had peed through his diaper. That was the nastiest feeling in the world. No it did not happen 1 time or ever 2 times, 3 times he peed on my lap. I could not go anywhere or do anything, so I keep him on my lap and we waited until Will was finished playing the game. I do not recommend having a kid pee on your lap. It is not pleasant.