It was another day out for Jason and I. Steph and I took the boys to story time at the library. We had been wanting to go for a while now. They sung a few songs and read a few stories, but it was nice for the boys and us to get out of the house again. It makes all of the difference getting out and hanging out with another human being (thanks Steph!).

I have figured out why I am so tired lately. We have been planning to get pregnant in Feb and well the first time was the charm. I felt a little sick after a fabulous dinner that I made and thought "humm tired, sick..." So I took the test early. You all know me I hate to wait and I am terrible at secrets. So it is out in the open. I figure if I miscarry then I miscarry and life will go on. If everything goes right, then I am due around November 16th. I guess I really like to have holiday kids, haha.
If Will and I played our cards right, we should make money off of this kid through aflac. It is a good thing I come from a fertile mother who has passed that gene down to me (hopefully not the twin part!). Anyways, so there is the big news.
Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to be an aunt again.
WOW! Congrats! The Gundred Family is all 'Holiday' babies...even us parents! ;-)
Some of those animals look pretty close...that's a good zoom on the ol' camera.
Well...two more grandkids this year...how exciting!! Hope the Aflac thing works out, it sounds wonderful.
Hooray for Will and Kristin! Yesterday, when I read that Kristin was getting tired more than usual, I was thinking "could that be...." and then the confirmation came.
Kristin, you are geting quite good with the camera. Those are great pictures@
Sorry this is not about the blog but you mentioned some green rugs? do you still have them? And what color green? Kelly, sage, dark? you get the idea
Wow, congrats!
I'm so happy for you guys. Good things happen to good people.
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