Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Gift Exchange

Now this is a mix between my thoughts and Wills thoughts, but I thought I would share it with everyone who cares to read this. After this I am finished worrying about this topic.

To everybody-
We really enjoyed seeing so many of you at Thanksgiving.
We're writing about the Cousin-Gift exchange. We've enjoyed it the last few years. It's always fun to see who we get to give gifts to. It's even better than the receiving.
Unfortunately, this is the last year that we can participate. Will and I have extended families that are growing faster than our finances can handle. There are so many families that we hope to get gifts for that our resources and time are getting spread too thin. We hope you all understand and we want to say "THANK YOU" to Cary for working so hard and always putting this together.
We wish you all the best. Have a Merry Christmas,
Will and Kristin

We meant no harm in the email that we sent to everybody saying that we want to opt out. Will and I simply wished to discontinue our part in the exchange. We still love all of the cousins. I feel that more of my time and energy should be spent on my and Will's "extended family" (brothers (HD, Colton), sisters (Suzanne, Mickie, Tracie), parents, nieces (Baylee, Sierra), and nephews (Jason)).

We did not intend for the exchange to be completely stopped, we alone did not wish to continue the exchange. I would hope that it would continue for all of those who wish to continue doing it. I would hope that in future years those who want to opt out can do so with ease.

One of the most frustrating things I feel is that we are connected as a family relatively. We have more connection with the cousins on the Coombs side then with the Bragg or the Wu/Au side. It hurts to hear that "we are cutting the Coombs side out of our lives", when we do not feel like we are. I have loved getting to know my relatives that blog. I have never felt closer to them. I would like to feel the same way with my other cousins, but do not feel that a gift once a year has increased that love. I am at a loss of what I can do to feel closer towards them.

It has been difficult to give a gift to a cousin that I do not know. I have felt it is a waist of my time and money. If i do not know them then how will I know what to get them that they will like. I don't know interest/dislikes, activities they participate in, or even major events that are happening in their lives. I would love to get to know everyone more, but have not found a means to communicate with them. I am open to suggestions.

I have made it a point to participate in activities with the Coombs family to show them how much I care for them. I have gone to countless events even when it was not the most convenient thing to do. I still wish that I could go to more events to prove that I love all of the cousins. I would have loved to have gone out to California for Teresa and Rachel's graduations, seen Connor or Tyler play a game of soccer, or helped out when Indy got her tonsils out, but reality is that with the distance it is difficult.

There’s not a bone in my body that feels anything negative toward those who disapprove of our decision, so I hope they don’t feel that we’re trying to push them away. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings. I would welcome any extended family into our home without hesitation.

Hopefully we will be able to let the whole thing blow over and enjoy the moments we do share when our paths cross.


Maxwell (Mad)House said...

Kristin, that was beautifully put. It's look you took the words out of my head and wrote them! I too hope that this will all blow over and that all will realize the reasons we chose to opt out. I agree that it should keep going for those who don't want to opt out. We love everyone too!

Holly said...

We have already spoken about this and you know my feelings. On that note, to get defensive, hurtful or have to constantly 'explain' yourselves...is hard. We all have at one time or another said things we regret. I have done that in the past to someone I deeply love and now there is a strain with that person. The bottom line is...we are all family. There has got to be a happy medium for all...

Bobbie said...

We love you guys.

Britany said...

One idea from my grandma is that when the grandchildren get married they are no longer a part of the drawing because she thinks that's just too many people to keep track of (I'm the oldest of like 30 grandkids),and also she just assumed that we had new drawings to be a part of once we got married. This way the younger cousins don't miss out, and the married ones aren't in 4 or more Chritmas drawings. I don't know if this will work for all of you, I know that your family is very different from mine, but it is an idea I guess :)
Love, Britany