Thursday, August 31, 2006

Almost Crawling
Ok so I guess it is going to happen, the crawling thing. He is up on his hands and feet with his butt up in the air moving around. He has done it a few times and then given up. I bet by the end of the weekend he will be crawling if you can call hands and feet crawling. Tracie you are coming at a good time to see Jason.

Our dryer is now officially fixed. There was a gap between the drum and the filter, so our clothing would get caught. A guy can and fixed it this morning and now it runs great. Hurray! Even though we had this problem I still have really loved our washer and dryer.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

How could i forget to mention that we got All Sports Passes!! Stacy has them just waiting for us. Hurray!!
Car Door, Sleeping, and Fishies
Good news Will and I took apart the car door. We now are able to take it completely apart and put it back together in less then 15 min, including taking out the window. The bad news is that a piece of the regulator is broken, so we have to get a complete new one. What a bummer. I is going to cost 109 bucks, but because we did it ourselves it saved us 250 bucks!! Go us. Dad I think we need tools for Christmas. We are going to start doing oil changes and stuff ourselves.

I was sewing Jasons Halloween costume and all of a sudden I saw him asleep. This is very uncharacteristic of Jason. He even went down early. The other picture is of Jason eating gold fish. It was his first time and he loved it!!. He got everything a mess. He had to take a bath. As for other news, I think I have been growling at Jason a little to much. He was doing it back to me last night (Email if you want the video).

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Car Door
Well our car door window is not looking so good. Something has broken inside to make the window go off track. We called some places and they said that it would cost around 300-350 to fix it. Holy cow no way. So Will and I borrowed a socket reach from the next door neighbors and we took the door apart ourselves. We downloaded the factory manual from online. Taking the door apart took forever and by the time we took the window out and put it back in the stores had already closed. So today Will is eating lunch at work and coming home early so that we can take it apart and get the right piece. I hope it all works out. I would sure hate to take it in for the silly window.

As for Jason well he likes to yell in cups and he managed to pull him self up on the couch all by him self (first time). He is becoming more and more independent every day, yikes.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Standing Up
Jason is very much still into the standing thing. I think that it is hindering his ability to crawl. All he does is get on his hands and feet, with his bum in the air. Maybe one day he will actually crawl. Jason is also starting to figure out that momomamam is my name. I don't think he fully realizes it yet, but he says it when he wants my attention.

Yesterday was a normal day. I got a really bad migrane and could not go to church. I sleep from 11 to 3 with Jason. It was crazy. I was even dreaming about the migrane. Cary and Steve were telling me how to get ride of it, but I could not go get a massage because it was Sunday. How weird of a dream.

I also have started to print out the daily blog as a family journal. We don't have one and I thought this would be a good start.

Ok I will post a picture a little later. It is not letting me right now. It is just of Jason in the hands feet position.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Work Party
Yesterday was a lot of fun. We went to Wills work party. We waited in line for ever for the caricature of our family, which I think it turned out fun. We ate flay mignon, rolls, condiments (they were listed in the menu), chicken, cotton candy, popcorn, desserts (jars of candy), and so much more.

Then it was over to the raffle, which we didn't win any thing, but noni sure does know how to do raffles. The big prize was a giant flat screen TV. How cool would that have been to win. My dad and I made a entertainment center just for it. One day, one day.

We then watched a guy do a bunch of impressions, which was very impressive and went home. They also had carnival games, lots of junk to eat and, big blow up slides. Very fun!

Well Jason is very into the standing thing. He will try to stand where ever he goes. He stood here for a good 8 9 min.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lion Costume
Well I am amazed at how fast I have gotten this lion costume completed so far. Those sewing classes have paid off. It has only taken me 1 1/2 hours to do the body so far. Yeah. I still have a lot left, but it is going quite quickly. Mickie I don't think that I needed to start it this far in advance.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Ups and Downs of Yesterday
Ok well yesterday was a fun day, but it had its negative points. What should I tell the good or the bad first? Ok I think I will tell the good. Yesterday Jason got his hair cut. Will and I went out and bought clippers so that I could do that. I think it turned out well. There are pictures of before in the tub and after. Ok well you can't really tell that he got one, but I thought they were cute pictures any ways.

Jason has learned how to scoot. I have a short video if you would like to see it, just email Will or I.

We went over to Matt and Mickies last night. I throw a Mary Kay pedicure party for Wills cousin Rachel that has joined the company. It was Mickie, Rachel, and I. It was a tiny party when you figure that Rachel was the one in charge.

Matt and Will went throwing while all thins was happening. Will threw a course record for himself with a 2 under. Go Will!! Matt how ever was a bit distracted and did not do as well as he usually does. I will not embarrass him by putting his score in. He usually does about even or 1 over, which is really good.

Now for the bad news. We had to eat out last night. I made dinner and brought it over the Matt and Mickies so that we could dash out to our activities, well I dropped my Pyrex pan with the casserole all over their drive way. Bummer. And the other bad news was we ran over a cat. It made me so sick knowing that that might have been someone's pet. I know how sad Will was and still is about mofo his cat. (Yes he named the cat not knowing what it meant, he thought it sounded cool.) So those were the ups and downs of the day.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Things are going well here. We did nothing again, but Jason has made some new improvements. He has pulled himself up on the couch all by himself, and he was laying down on his back and he sat up. It was crazy he strained for a while, but just managed to use his abs muscles and pull him self up. Wow he is becoming a lot more mobile these days. Thanks goodness he is not crawling yet. When he does learn to crawl I think he will become a lot more happy.

We also have been letting him feed himself at the end of a meal. It gets incredible messy, but it is fun for him to put the food in his mouth.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Boring Day
Well again nothing happened. Everything is the same with us. Jason is however walking along the couch a little easier. I bet by the end of the week he will be able to move along the couch all by himself. He still can't pull him self up on the couch, but you have to start some where right?

He has just had another growth spurt to me. I see him every waking moment and then all of a sudden I see him and realize how much he has changed. It is crazy. He is turning more and more into a toddler every day!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Nothing to Report
Well it was a boring day yesterday. I did some more tying of Jason's quite. It should turn out cute. And we went shopping. That's pretty much it. Nothing new with Jason or us. Oh but a bit of fun news Suzanne might get an internship here in Utah thanks to Mickie. We hope she gets it and is serious! Go Suzanne!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Not Quite There
Well he is not crawling yet, but he can get around in his own way. He reaches and then scoots. It takes him a while because he gets distracted, but I put him where his pacifier is at the beginning of my shower and that is where he ended up! I don't think it will be to much longer, because he is already experimenting on his hands and knees. Yikes!

Yesterday we came home from church to find 2 drifters sleeping in our house. They hung out, ate, did laundry, and left. It sure is nice to have a relaxing Sunday. Good luck unpacking, they have the entertainment center set up. That's all that matters right?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Big Moving Day
Matt and Mickie moved into there new condo yesterday!! It looks great and I am sure that they will enjoy it. It really didn't take that long to move them in. I am glad that Sharon and Jason were able to help us. We used Jasons truck and that saved them quite a bit of money instead of renting a truck.

The guys went and loaded up the big stuff while I hung out and the condo and unpacked things. My job was really easy. I set up the kitchen and put things away where I wanted them to go (Mickie will have to go put it the way she likes it). I also moved boxes to the correct room. It is interesting to see how fast you can fill up a house with out even knowing it. I bet when thy move they will have doubled if not tripled the stuff they have now.

Matt and Mickie provided pizza for all of us for lunch and after moving them in we played a round of disc golf. They have don't have that much unpacking to do, so they are coming for dinner tonight. I am very excited for them and their new place. GOOD LUCK!!
So a lot has happened in the last 2 days. Ok really it is not a lot or that interesting, but I will share it with you.

For those of you that don't know Jason has learned how to do "HI-FIVES" ok really it is just him hitting your hand many times or holding it up so that you can hit it, but at least I know that he understands it. He will sometimes purposely look away so that he doesn't have to give me a hi-five. Great he is already starting to ignore me :)

Other Jason news is that he has pulled himself up a few times now with no help. It is crazy, I will look and he is on the ground and the next he is standing up. The other thing is he was laying on his belly yesterday and all of a sudden I looked over and he was sitting on his bottom. It was crazy. Kenz said that he pushed him self up on his hands and feet, then he pushed him self onto his bum. How crazy is that. I don't think that he would be able to do it again for a while, but that he even did it wowed me.

Friday night Will and I went out to eat and go shopping. Wow it was an experience. First Will accidentally knocked my water all over my lap, which strategically landed in my groin area only so it looked like I had an accident. Then directly we went to walmart. It was a good thing that we didn't see anyone there that we knew or I would have shot him. I am thankful it dried pretty fast.

The other thing was we got some killer deals. We went and got Jason some summer clearance and bought him 2 swimsuits for a buck each and they are very cute. We got him so other stuff as well. The other deal that we got, we where heading out the door and all of a sudden we hear on the intercom "for the next hour all the clearance in domestic will be half off" Heck yeah so we went and got some new sheets for when we actually paint our bedroom and turn it into a room we like and we bought Jason a quilt for his bed when we need his crib (no not for a while, we are planning a head).

Friday, August 18, 2006

Education Week
Next week is education week and I was so excited to go. I signed up for it and then I read that you were not allowed to take babies. I think it is a good rule, but sad that we will not afford a baby sitter for the week. So 12 min later I called and canceled. Next week just became wide open. Oh well.
Football and Furniture
Well yesterday was a fun day. If you ask Matt and Will it was not as fun. Will and I finally got your couch and love seat. They look great. We do have a hole in the couch so we will have to get that switched out, but other then that they are nice. They are textured microfiber. I cant figure out how to place them yet, because they just look crooked. That will have to be something my mom helps me with.

directly after getting the couches I made some fabulous french bread sandwiches with avocado and we drove off in to the sunset to the Cougar Kick off (ok it wasn't really the sunset, or how would they be able to see). We meet Matt and Mickie, ate the sandwiches, and then got some BYU stuff. Ok well we pretty much just got the playing jerseys. There was absolutely nothing there, unless you wanted women's track and field stuff, or the golf apparel.

While Matt and Will stood in line to buy the stuff Mickie and I went to get our T-shirts signed from the women's clinic. I sure do wish we got the people at the clinic to sign the shirts. We missed out on all the coaches. It was quite sad. We had 3 color of pens and we were rotating the colors and telling the players to hold the pens to sign each others shirts. It was crazy. There were a few poor guys that tried to sign in black. Mickie actually grabbed one of their hands and said NO NO Not that color. It was quite funny.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Fake Cries
Well Jason now has a fake cry and a terrible face when he does it. This is some what of a good representation of what it looks like. I just caught the tail end of the fake cry. He is so handsome, and then he pulls the fake cry out of no where and holy cow he is not so cute any more. HAHA. Oh and check out those 2 teeth. They are coming in very well, a little crooked, but we hope they will straighten out when his mouth gets bigger.

Well it is official he is going to be a lion for Halloween. Will and I bought the fabric yesterday and After I finish his BYU quilt, then it is on to the costume. Hurray. He is going to be the cutest lion ever!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Disc Golfing in the Wind
What can I write about today. Jason woke up 2 times last night just crying. The first time I got up and held him for a second and the second time we just let him cry. I think that will be our new approach again. I am tired of waking up and getting him. I think he has forgotten how to put himself back to sleep.

Well Edward and Joanna left yesterday and the house I back to normal for a few more weeks. I hear that Suzanne is going to live with us for a week or two while she is finding out whether or not she got the internship in Colorado. GO SUZANNE, GET THE JOB!!

Well yesterday Will and I ate and Matt and Mickies and through again. We had a good time, all except for the wind. It was crazy hard for the guys. Mickie throw a little bit, and if I do say so she did a pretty good job. So while we were disc golfing I forgot a diaper for Jason and he peed through his shorts. We had to stop off and walmart to get some diapers. It was very interesting. I think I will now keep a few diapers in the car just in case.

After disc golfing Will and Matt played basketball with Jason. Will enjoys playing with those guys. Well half way through Will did something to his foot and he was out for the rest of the night. We are not sure what happened, but it has something to do witht he top of his foot. All I know is that I had to drive home. I didn't like that aspect of the night at all. High ways make me nervous. Oh well life is great right now.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Forgot to Post
Ok so I forgot to tell you all that we weighted Jason and he is now 19 lbs. How crazy is that. He has grown so fast I cant believe it. He is now in 12 month clothes!! Wow 1 more lb and we will have to get him a new car seat. Crazy!
My Little Lion
Well another day has come and gone. Yesterday Joanna and Edward went to the Timp caves and shopping at BYU. They seamed to have had a good time all except for someone egging there car. I couldn't believe that some one would do that. Joanna said that they probably were jealous of the mini cooper. From now on people will park in the garage. How sad.

Jason has learned how to blow 1 bubble at a time in his moth. He will sit there opening and closing his mouth with spit all over his lips blowing bubbles. Silly kid. Oh and the last Jason news is that I think that he is going to be a lion for Halloween. We will see if it actually gets done, but I think he would be a darn cute lion.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Gundreds, Terrible Sunday, and Playing
Saturday was so much fun. We got to see Holly, Eric, Connor, and Tyler. Boy have they grown up since the days of baby sitting in california. They were here for a Real, Real soccor game. Man we caught it on TV and it was an exciting game in some places. Connor and Tyler got to stand on the feild to slap hands with the players. I was so excited for them. They probably had a blast at the game!

I was so excited for the Gundreds to see Jason. Jason just loves to visit with people. Although now we are paying the price for seeing to many people. He is very clingy. Always reaching out for Will and I to hold him.

Sunday was a rougher day. Jason was away from us a little to much and missed us, so lets just say that I sat out in the hall or in the mothers room while he screamed. I now know that i just need to stay awake or take care of him my self while others are here. Helping is great, but i need to still be the main care giver.

Sunday Will and his parents let off bug bombs underneth the deck to kill off all of the hornets. They said that there were a few of them trying to escape. Crazy. Jason has had a ton of fun with Joanna and Edward this weekend. He has read, played, and gotten new toys. He pretty much always smiles for them.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Yesterday turned out pretty well. Joanna and Edward made it here safely. Yesterday we just pretty much hung out and went to the store to get food for today and sprinkler heads. Yes HD we are putting them in soon. We couldn't find the wala wala sprinkle heads though, so regular ones it is.

Well Today we have Adore coming over (one of Edward and Joanna's college friends). He is going to teach us how to make these to die for egg rolls. And I am going to try my hand at Bar-B-Que Ribs. It will be a learning experience, but come on how do you mess up on ribs really.

Hopefully today we will be able to see Holly and Eric as well. It is going to be a busy day.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Big Weekend
Well it is another big weekend with family. This will mark the end of summer travel and then we will start on the winter traveling. It will be Tracie in September, BYU football game in October, November is Hong Kong, and Christmas is December. It is crazy how time flies.

Nothing really to report on for yesterday. Jason however is learning how to get from the sitting up position to his belly. He does it pretty well. Except for those times that he is really tired and falls forward. He has a little bruise on his cheek right now from doing that into the keyboard holder. Silly kid. No crawling yet, but there is progress with the whole being on his belly thing. Yeah.

He is impossible to feed right now. The kid gets so distracted. As you can see he manages to turn his complete body in the high chair. He feels like there is always something more interesting happening behind him. He does it in shopping carts and when we turn the cart backwards he flips the other way. We just cant win.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

There are still nice people in the world

Last night we played with the Spences. We as usual had a good time. It was a full night of cooking dinner with them and disc golfing. I do have to say the cooking thing is always and interesting thing because they as you know are newlyweds and have the bare basic cooking supplies. I have to end up bringing all the ingredients most of the time. I take it as a cooking challenge.

The picture is of will putting and matt watching. The other picture is of Jason pushing the stroller. He thinks he is such a big boy.

Oh but the reason for the title...I had put one of my cooking notebooks on top of the car and forgot about it. When we turned on to the road it flu off and the recipes went every where. 2 nice people stopped to help Will and I pick up the papers. It was very nice of them. So now my project is to type up the recipes that I used in that cookbook. It was run over a few times. LOL. It is nice to know that there are still nice people in the world. Signing off...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This Coming Weekend

Well I was just going to add another blog so that it would be a little more interesting looking at 2 blogs rather then just 1. I think that I will probably update this 1 to 2 times a week. I think that should be good. I think this little boy is the cutest ever, man that picture is so adorable.

Ok well this is going to be a fun weekend. Wills parents are coming and so is Holly and her family. I have not seen them in at least a year. I am excited to see them and have them meet Jason.

I forgot to say that Jason now has 2 teeth and with the way that he has been acting I wouldn't be surprised if he was getting more. The kid is a big complainer these last 2 days. I still love him any ways. He also will wake up at 12 am and start screaming. I think that he has started to have nightmares poor kid. When I hold him he calms right down and goes back to sleep. It has now happened 2 times in the last week. Crazy. Signing off...

Football Camp and Tim and Faith

OK so I have decided to give this blog thing a try. I know you all don't get everyday updates on how we and Jason are doing, so maybe I will be able to keep you up to date with this blog.

Jason has a new trick, he rolls over multiple times in a row. It is pretty interesting. I guess we will now have to start watching where we put him when he takes naps. He has also learned to pull himself up in us. He is not pulling up on items, just humans. Because of that I have now lowered his bed. Oh and the most interesting things is that he is a kid after my own heart, he loves to sleep in. We have decided that instead of waking him up at 7 to feed him in the morning we will let him wake us up. Well for the past 2 days he has woken up at 9:15 can you believe that. I am so excited!!

Non-Jason news is that my family came down last weekend and we all had a blast. We went to the BYU women's football clinic, to the Tim and faith concert, and to the drive in. It was a blast. I learned a lot about football and the camp almost makes me want to watch the games. (Ok well we will, because we are getting ALL-SPORTS PASSES YEAH!!) We are sitting with Mickie and Stacy when we get them. How exciting. Are you jealous dad?

The concert was awesome as well. There was a lot of crying by Britany, Mickie, and I all for different reasons. It was Crazy, but all the tears ended up being ok. Matt and Mickie won front row seats and it was so much fun watching them enjoy the concert. They were the right people to win the contest.

Ok well I think that is it to just test it out. Signing off for now....