Car Door, Sleeping, and Fishies
Good news Will and I took apart the car door. We now are able to take it completely apart and put it back together in less then 15 min, including taking out the window. The bad news is that a piece of the regulator is broken, so we have to get a complete new one. What a bummer. I is going to cost 109 bucks, but because we did it ourselves it saved us 250 bucks!! Go us. Dad I think we need tools for Christmas. We are going to start doing oil changes and stuff ourselves.

I was sewing Jasons Halloween costume and all of a sudden I saw him asleep. This is very uncharacteristic of Jason. He even went down early. The other picture is of Jason eating gold fish. It was his first time and he loved it!!. He got everything a mess. He had to take a bath. As for other news, I think I have been growling at Jason a little to much. He was doing it back to me last night (Email if you want the video).
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