OK so I have decided to give this blog thing a try. I know you all don't get everyday updates on how we and Jason are doing, so maybe I will be able to keep you up to date with this blog.
Jason has a new trick, he rolls over multiple times in a row. It is pretty interesting. I guess we will now have to start watching where we put him when he takes naps. He has also learned to pull himself up in us. He is not pulling up on items, just humans. Because of that I have now lowered his bed. Oh and the most interesting things is that he is a kid after my own heart, he loves to sleep in. We have decided that instead of waking him up at 7 to feed him in the morning we will let him wake us up. Well for the past 2 days he has woken up at 9:15 can you believe that. I am so excited!!
Non-Jason news is that my family came down last weekend and we all had a blast. We went to the BYU women's football clinic, to the Tim and faith concert, and to the drive in. It was a blast. I learned a lot about football and the camp almost makes me want to watch the games. (Ok well we will, because we are getting ALL-SPORTS PASSES YEAH!!) We are sitting with Mickie and Stacy when we get them. How exciting. Are you jealous dad?
The concert was awesome as well. There was a lot of crying by Britany, Mickie, and I all for different reasons. It was Crazy, but all the tears ended up being ok. Matt and Mickie won front row seats and it was so much fun watching them enjoy the concert. They were the right people to win the contest.
Ok well I think that is it to just test it out. Signing off for now....
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