This is Jasons first packet of Lucky money. He enjoyed holding the red packet, a few of the packets got a "little" wet with drool.

This is Jason's great grandma. They loved having him there. Oh and the toy you see Jason holding is a dog toy. He loved it. We lost it, so Will and I will buy him a new one tonight.

Troy and Tracie got these trucks for Jason for his birthday/Christmas. Jason loves them. They make noises and sing. Every time they make noises Jason dances.

When we went to Jumbo (it is a floating restaurant) Jason was asleep. The waiter brought over another chair so that he could sleep. He was just so peaceful.

And last but not least it is just a picture of Will and I looking down one of the many busy streets of Hong Kong.
As for events that just happened. It has been snowing here. We have a few inches on the ground. And Will is almost caught up with the work that he missed. Fast worker. I guess his co-worker and boss really struggled while Will was gone. That is a good sign that Will's job will be around for a long time.
We are sad though that while we were gone our dish went out, so we missed all our shows, sigh. We did get both amazing races, but only 1 episode of Heroes. Troy and Tracie if you missed heroes then you can go online at NBC and they do a really good job of recapping heroes. We don't really feel like we missed anything with the show.
If you still have a VCR, we got both episodes of Heroes, but we haven't watched the second yet. We got some snow as well. Not exactly 70 degrees with 90% humidity
Good pictures! Boy, Hong Kong looks like it's a big and busy place.
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