I guess if you are a teen the fun thing to do is lay down on your

long board and see how fast you can get going down our street with out crashing. Your friend then follows in the car to see how fast you are going. Not to smart to me, but I can see Colton doing it.

The other day Will and I were going to the store and we caught the tail end of a teen crashing into our front yard. I guess he got up to 30 mph, or that is what his friend in the car was yelling across the street. The kid was in pain, but I don't blame him, that picture is what his skateboard did to the sidewalk. I couldn't believe that it took a chunk of sidewalk out. Ouch!
The tree out side is very pretty. It is again time to rake leaves. Yuck!
What a crazy kid, that is a big hit in the sidewalk.
Kristin, Kristin, Kristin, after all the TRIMMING we did this summer, there can't be as many leaves as the year before, right?
Colton said with some disgust, "I'm not a long boarder."
But if you ever see a kid trying to kick flip a 10 stair, that's pretty cool!
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