Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Driving Home

I missed yesterday, but I was super tired. Friday we went out to eat then hung out and wrote a contract for Colton. He is coming to Utah with some of his friends and my mom wants him to be safe while he is driving here. It is a pretty good contract. My mom asked my dad to help out. What she forgot was that he reads contracts all day long. 2 1/2 pages later we finished the contract. I don't think that my dad forgot anything. It is pretty exact, down to the people in the back seat get to pick the music because they are squished. And there is even a no jerk clause. It is pretty good.

Saturday was a day of basketball games, out to eat, and then to Coltons work. We were able to play some video games and Jason really enjoyed it. I think next time we go he will enjoy it even more. Maybe I will be able to convince Jason to play some games with me.

Sunday was the drive him. I am surprised, but Jason did really really well. We had to take longer breaks then usual, but that is to be understood. He was so happy to be home and still is.

Monday was just a hang out day with my mom, then Matt and Mickie came over and hung out as well. I finally gave Will his disc golf basket and he and Matt played around yesterday. I think he is going to really enjoy the 2nd basket. I will not buy him another one though. I think 2 is more then enough :)

Jason gets really excited for thing, and this trusk is on of those things that gets him super excited.


Holly said...

After a very long trip- I feel worn out and tired as well! Love the pictures, and the contract sounds a LOT like something grandpa Coombs used to do. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, nice contract idea.

Wanna go to the Children's Museum on Tues or Wed? I wanted to take Steph and the Boys.

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

We are glad you are back. Sorry that we could not go throw last night. Class on Thursday? Parker loves looking at the pictures and video of Jason:)