I swear that I watched this a billion times. I have at least 140 times on the camera documented. I was trying to catch it on video Colton doing this new trick. After watching it for more then 3 hours my mom and i finally left for the store. Who knew that once we left he nailed the trick. A side note that is pretty weird to me, after you land the trick, you break the board. So every few months or weeks Colton buys a new skate deck. Wow what an expensive hobby if you are really good.
My mom and I while Jason was taking a nap put together our sharing time activity. It is a huge chutes and ladders game. I think the kids will really enjoy this game.
After watching Colton go that trick billions of times We goofed around with the camera. We were laughing so hard at these pictures. I was the first weird face and then we tried to copy the face and well we were not successful, but they are pretty funny looking.
I have to admit I am a little scared by the faces at the end:)
Ok, My stomach hurts from laughing at these pic's. :-)
Too funny! Ty loves skateboarding too-he thinks Colt is the best!
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