Sunday and Monday were a blast as well. Sunday we went to church, came home, took naps, ate, and played games. It was fun just being able to hang out with Matt and Mickie and playing games. It was a very relaxing day.
Monday we tried to go eat French toast at kneaders, but they ran out of French toast. How the heck do a bread place run out of bread. It was crazy and sad at the same time. So instead we ate bowls of cereal.
Mickie and I went and bough some craft projects to do in 2 weeks. She bought a huge clock that she is going to paint and I am going to do a project with the proclamation. It should turn out interesting.
We then yes played disc golf again. It was way hot, so we keep Jason full of water. He didn't like being out in the sun to much.
After all of that then we went to Sharons house and had a BBQ with Caleb, Travis, Grandma and Grandpa Bragg, Matt and Mickie, and Sharons family. It was great fun. We had ribs and great corn on the cob. After we went hot tubing. Ok well we were going to take Jason into the real pool, but it was to cold for him and he just shook so we took him in the hot tub. He loved it. He keep wanting to get back in after we took him out. We didn't leave him in for long, but we had a blast talking.
I think I am all updated now. It has been a great weekend! Oh and Jason claps now.
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