Will is still feeling a little sick today, but that might have to do with not getting enough sleep right now.
Oh I forgot to tell every one that Suzanne has an internship in Idaho and seams to be doing well and HD has one in Portland. I am glad that they were both able to find one.
We are very excited to go to the first BYU game played at the stadium this year. It should be a fun game. My dad finally got his package slow boat to china. It took a week and a half! Well from what I hear he really likes the jersey. YEAH, now he can put his flag out on game days and wear last years jersey. Those suckers are LONG, it went down to my knees when I put it on.
So Zannie isn't doing all that well. She doesn't really like her job and wants to come home. If she could find an internship around here that would be fine, but.....
Oh But HD is doing really well. He has an office and they take him to lunch, he gets to tell people what to do,he is learning a ton about construction management; only draw back: he works 9 to 10 hour days. But he gets paid great over time.
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