The Weekend
Ok well I have so many pictures that I am going to have a hard time choosing what to put on here. Maybe I will just spread it out over the next day or so. Mickie finally sent me all the pictures over the last little while.

Well it is 12 and I can't sleep so I decided that I should write the blog for tomorrow today. So here it is. We had a blast on Saturday going to the football game. It first started off super hot and then during the 4th quarter it started to pour. It was crazy weather. They even delayed the game for 53 min because of thunder. We ended up calling it quits early because there was no signs of it stopping. It was crazy. Jason did very well at the game. He sleep through a good hour of it, which can I say he gets really really heavy after a few min of the dead weight.

Sunday we had Paul and Mieka over. That was really fun as well. Mieka and I made dinner and the guys played a little chess. HD called me right before they came over so I wasn't able to start dinner. Thanks to Mieka we were able to eat dinner at a reasonable hour.
HD and Britany are doing great it sounds like. HD is loving his internship and Britany is really enjoying living close to her family.
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