Will took Jason to the mall and he had a great time. He learned how to go down the slide. Once he learned he would go over and over. He got so mad at us when we took him away.
Last night Steph and I got away and went to another class. I really enjoyed this one and got quite a few ideas from it. Both Steph and I won something as well, which made the class even better. I won a tie for Will, which I really like and Steph won a Sesame Street CD. I learn so much when I go to these classes. If any one else wants to go let me know. You always get a free book out of it.
While we were basking in the warm sun in California we decided to make the most of it and go disc golfing. Will LOVED it. The rest of us had a good time as well.
Today is my birthday and I still feel like I am 19 years old. I wonder if that mentality will ever change. I highly doubt it. Will surprised me with a book, magnetic measuring spoons which are pretty cool, and flowers. What a sweet guy. My mom (yes I actually waited to open it today) got me a cool leather skirt. I still need to try it on, but I bet it will fit nicely.
Yesterday I made my self birthday cookies and needless to say there are none left today, so I am going to make myself some birthday Carmel brownies. I can't wait to eat them. Plus tonight Travis (my cousin) is coming over to babysit so Will and I can go out to eat in peace. What a nice guy!
Chances are, there's a ton more that I could have put so I wouldn't be surprised to see a follow up to this. Hope you all enjoy!
We went out to California for the weekend to see Will's parents. We had a great time and I got a lot of pictures with the new camera (which I still love!) It was a packed weekend with family and fun.
We did so much, visit family, go to a hands on science museum, walk the mall, play set and phase ten, watch the Superbowl, have a family gathering, play disc golf, and visit the outlet malls. It was great always having some thing to do.