It snowed all night so Matt decided to take Jason out sledding. We bundled Jason up and went out pretty early in the morning so that we would beat the afternoon rush.

Matt pulled Jason up the hill and he thought that it was OK. He was pretty nervous though.

After going down and face planting it in the snow.

Jason didn't like the snow any more.

After that he always wanted to be held.

I guess sledding really wore out the boys. Mickie, Will, and I all went shopping and this is how we found Matt and Jason when we returned.
My favorite part: After the picture-story is over, I look at the top picture againa and smile at where he ends up.
How cute...we hardly got any snow this time. Denver got hit the most...yep, we had sun for once on a weekend! :-)
It surprises me that Uncle Matt is still one of his most favorite people in all the world. After all the "fun" things they do together!
wow it all melted around here already. Ok well almost all of it.
Looks like a lot of fun.
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