Thursday, February 15, 2007

Apology Note Generator

There is nothing really to say today, except that I bought myself a page a day calender for a buck. It is a website a day. Today's is a apology note generator. It is very interesting.

That's in case you want to write one if you forgot about valentines day yesterday. Here is the one that i sent off to Will.

Dear, Equal Partner in All Matters, I'm not sorry at all for neglecting to pick up my underwear. I was tired, and thought I could get someone else to do it. So I'm sitting in the dark, waiting to die, hoping you don't sell me into scientific experiments. Please let me live. This is a familiar pattern in my life, and I'm working on it with my therapist. Love, Your loving Significant Other

What a weird website!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How Bizarre!