Pretty exciting to see that Kristin had a chance to add something onto the Blog from Guatemala. Things are pretty boring around here. Lots of disc golf and thank heavens that it's the 1st round of the NBA playoffs. I've watched so much basketball in the last couple days . . .
I'm surprised that Kristin didn't mention the scare on Saturday. Well, I guess it wasn't really a scare for her. I got a call in the afternoon from a frantic Kay saying that Kristin's connecting flight was going to be late and that she'd likely be stranded alone in Miami for the night - again (anywhere, but Miami and the Runaway inn, please). You'd have to know about our Dominican Republic trip to get that joke. I told Kay to pull the "Pregnant young mother, with a toddler"-card if she got desperate for them to wait for her. Anyway, 15 minutes later (and 1 prayer) Kristin showed up. I guess Kay had been informed regarding the wrong flight.
Well, I wish I had pictures to upload or something, but I hope you all have enjoyed this edition of Will's report.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Well we are here in Guatemala, and having a great time so far. Jason and I had a long 3 flights getting here, but we made it in one piece.
It is Sunday, so we went to church and we are going to have a fireside in an hour. Thank goodness Jason has been really good because church was at the MTC. We were a little out of place not wearing stockings, and Colton not shaving.
The real adventure has been being locked out. We were leaving for church and so I locked the door. Well I locked the wrong lock and we had to call a locksmith to break us in. After he tried to break in for over an hour and a half, finally someone else came and he got in in less then 10min. Crazy.
Jason has really surprised me the last day. I have been giving him animal crackers and telling him what I have been giving him. On the last flight I pulled out the bag and he said cracker with out we even coaxing him. He has actually said it a few times since. I can't wait till Will hears him.
I don't know how much I am going to update this. We have a pretty busy schedule for the next few days.
It is Sunday, so we went to church and we are going to have a fireside in an hour. Thank goodness Jason has been really good because church was at the MTC. We were a little out of place not wearing stockings, and Colton not shaving.
The real adventure has been being locked out. We were leaving for church and so I locked the door. Well I locked the wrong lock and we had to call a locksmith to break us in. After he tried to break in for over an hour and a half, finally someone else came and he got in in less then 10min. Crazy.
Jason has really surprised me the last day. I have been giving him animal crackers and telling him what I have been giving him. On the last flight I pulled out the bag and he said cracker with out we even coaxing him. He has actually said it a few times since. I can't wait till Will hears him.
I don't know how much I am going to update this. We have a pretty busy schedule for the next few days.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Passport trouble
Well we all finally have our passports. My parents got theirs late and had to change dates, and Matt finally got his after waiting 10 weeks for regular processing and 4 weeks with an expedite on it. That is a little to close for comfort, getting it the day before we all leave.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Will's Surprise Entry
A couple things to add about yesterday:
- Our new glasses are awesome. They make even water taste better.
- It's hard to unpack from CO when I know Kristin's going to re-pack in a matter of hours.
- Jason's figuring out that it's fun to stick the discs in the basket. It's awesome just throwing to the other one when he's hanging around one. (Usually I just throw them extra-high though. I'm totally going to nail him one of these days.
- It wasn't a happy start to bowling. My first 3 were straight into the gutter - not even halfway down the lane. It ended well though, no open frames and I even forgot it was the 10th frame. Kristin bowled an 8 after my strike so I could have done better than the 182. If I could have somehow erased my first 3 rolls, I think I would have been shooting for a personal record - bummer!
Humm how do I say this... I think Will and I will have to be a little more discrete from now on. Will and I were kissing and Jason saw. He came up to Will, opened his mouth, and started to wiggle his tongue. He wanted to give only Will a kiss. It was the funniest thing. I laughed for a good long time.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Not to scare anyone, but this pregnancy has not gone as smoothly as Jason's. Things have been quite different. I have had an up and down roller coaster of emotions for the past 2 1/2 weeks.
I would spot/cramp for a few days, then I would be fine, and then it would happen all over again. I have called my poor nurse 3 times in the last few weeks.
I finally decided that I just needed to find out if this was a viable pregnancy and took the HCG blood test. I took the first part yesterday and I got a call from the nurse today. She said that my hormones look great and that I have an irritable uterus (which is causing the spotting and cramping). I will still get the second part of the blood test done on Thursday just to make sure. I am still not out of the woods, but I feel better about the situation before I leave to Guatamala.
I have had such a rough morning crying off and on, that Will brought me bread sticks and rose. I am glad that I have such a supportive husband, even if he doesn't really understand.
I would spot/cramp for a few days, then I would be fine, and then it would happen all over again. I have called my poor nurse 3 times in the last few weeks.
I finally decided that I just needed to find out if this was a viable pregnancy and took the HCG blood test. I took the first part yesterday and I got a call from the nurse today. She said that my hormones look great and that I have an irritable uterus (which is causing the spotting and cramping). I will still get the second part of the blood test done on Thursday just to make sure. I am still not out of the woods, but I feel better about the situation before I leave to Guatamala.
I have had such a rough morning crying off and on, that Will brought me bread sticks and rose. I am glad that I have such a supportive husband, even if he doesn't really understand.
More weekend

Right before we "flew" home we went to eat at red robin. Jason got his first balloon there and was so excited.
Jason also found out that you can walk in between the chairs at the airport and got stuck a few times. Funny kid!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Troy and Tracie's new house

Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
2 things
The first thing is that it was free ice cream day at Ben & Jerrys. Hurray for free ice cream! It was a pretty large line when we got there, but after 25 min of waiting we had our ice cream in hand. They were pretty generous too. It was nice.
People did abuse the free ice cream. There was a couple who keep going through. I found out that they went through 7 times. Who needs that much ice cream.
The second thing was when we watched the amazing race on Sunday. The contestants went to Hong Kong. That was pretty cool. We were able to re-live some experiences and were able to laugh at Charla and Mirna when they went to the right side and took the star ferry to the wrong side of Hong Kong. I keep telling people to take the subway, but only one group listened to me. It was pretty cool to watch and actually see places we have been.
Here is Will and Jason's new thing.
People did abuse the free ice cream. There was a couple who keep going through. I found out that they went through 7 times. Who needs that much ice cream.
The second thing was when we watched the amazing race on Sunday. The contestants went to Hong Kong. That was pretty cool. We were able to re-live some experiences and were able to laugh at Charla and Mirna when they went to the right side and took the star ferry to the wrong side of Hong Kong. I keep telling people to take the subway, but only one group listened to me. It was pretty cool to watch and actually see places we have been.
Here is Will and Jason's new thing.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Will's Necessary Post: A Long Time Ago - In a Galaxy Far Away
I just thought I needed to say that I said those things a long time ago. They were usually good friends. It was definitely one of those things where'd I'd be wincing by the time I completed my sentence, realizing what I had just said. One of the favorites that Kristin probably would have posted tomorrow: "You're heavier than you look." (which is actually quite a bit better than if I had said the opposite!!!)
Pasta again

Well to make myself feel better I have decided to write a few of the stupid things Will has said. Yes he said so many that his friends started a huge list. He has actually said these things to girls.
"You look lots better in the dark." "You struggle with being nice." "Your family is not as cute as I imagined." "I feel like I am petting a dog." And the last one that I am going to put on here is "Are you important enough that I need to remeber your names?" Humm maybe I should put up some more tomorrow. It makes me feel a lot better:)
Monday, April 16, 2007
Stupid comment
Ok I forgot the funniest part of the weekend. Yes it was something that I said.
I was taking a shower and Will was getting ready for the day. We gate Jason out of the bathroom so he doesn't make a mess. Well I couldn't see him and he was making noises. I have this fetish with closing my eyes pretty much through out the whole shower so I don't get anything in them (yes water counts, I can't stand it). I asked Will why Jason was crying, and he told me that he wasn't.
I wiped my face off and then Jason made that noise again. Will asked me if it sounded like he was crying. And my response was "Well no, now that I have my eyes opened."
He has not let me live it down yet!
I was taking a shower and Will was getting ready for the day. We gate Jason out of the bathroom so he doesn't make a mess. Well I couldn't see him and he was making noises. I have this fetish with closing my eyes pretty much through out the whole shower so I don't get anything in them (yes water counts, I can't stand it). I asked Will why Jason was crying, and he told me that he wasn't.
I wiped my face off and then Jason made that noise again. Will asked me if it sounded like he was crying. And my response was "Well no, now that I have my eyes opened."
He has not let me live it down yet!
Jason has finally tried to keep up with the itsy bitsy spider song. I always sing it and do the actions. He finally started to do the actions too. It was so cute the first time I saw him do it. We also do the this little piggy. He is so funny once I start he will start tickling his belly. How fun.
The weekend turned out pretty good. We hung out with Matt and Mickie. Jason did however have a fever from his shots a while ago, so we were trapped at home for most of Saturday.
I can't believe it has been a year already. Matt and Mickie will be celebrating there year anniversary in a few weeks. How crazy. Ok for us it really feels like they have been married for 20 years, but still time has really flown.
The weekend turned out pretty good. We hung out with Matt and Mickie. Jason did however have a fever from his shots a while ago, so we were trapped at home for most of Saturday.
I can't believe it has been a year already. Matt and Mickie will be celebrating there year anniversary in a few weeks. How crazy. Ok for us it really feels like they have been married for 20 years, but still time has really flown.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Jamba Juice
Funny story... I was feeling sick all day and my body decided that I needed a Jamba Juice, so we got in the car and I was dying all the way there. "I just need it right now, come on people drive!" I keep telling Will that it will be ok because who gets a Jamba Juice at 5:30 PM, so that I will be able to walk in order and drink it with in a matter of a few min.
Will jinxed us by saying "Watch there are other pregnant women in there." Sure enough as we walked in there were 4 other pregnant women in there that we could tell. Who knows if there were more and there were a few husbands in there alone, my guess on a jamba run. How funny is that. I guess it is the perfect thing to settle the stomach.
Will jinxed us by saying "Watch there are other pregnant women in there." Sure enough as we walked in there were 4 other pregnant women in there that we could tell. Who knows if there were more and there were a few husbands in there alone, my guess on a jamba run. How funny is that. I guess it is the perfect thing to settle the stomach.
I also, for the last 5 of so weeks, get up at 2 am to go to the bathroom. It drives me nuts. I will go at 11 and then 2 and then I wake up and don't have to use the bathroom till 10. What is that. I have no clue. It is driving me nut. I drink before bed, I don't drink before bed, it makes no difference. Ehh I will chalk both up to the hormones. Sorry it probably is to much information but whatever.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Will's Surprise Entry: The Dad's Take
I'm going to use my break (which I never actually take) to write about our trip to the mall.
I carried him all the way to Finish Line to make the return because I knew once I put him down, he'd be off and running. Sure enough, when I signed the receipt for the return I put him down and he sprinted for the door. The day before, he enjoyed going inside the circle of clothes (what kid doesn't?), but he decided he just wanted to leave. I pretty much let him go wherever he wanted. I only picked him up when a gaggle of teens were sprinting through. It's not the Jewelry he like, it was the stands with the reflections that he really dug. He also made a point to stop at Hot Topic. He got his groove on with the music. He met a boy around the same age and they looked and poked each other. They actually got a decent crowd of people awwwing at them. Eventually Jason decided he like his 3 yr old sister better and would have followed her if given the chance.
We skipped the playground because it was too crowded. We spent the longest time at Kay-bee Toys. He likes the ball tower. He pulls them out the bottom and I throw them back over the top. It never ends. After that I went to look at shoes at Mervyns. I looked at shoes and he looked at bras. It was actually kinda difficult. "That" section has lots of skinny aisles and stuff where I can't follow him easily. I got really close to buying some running shoes, but I didn't.
Anyway, Kristin's right - on the way to the car, he didn't want to walk anymore. I'd put him down and he'd come right back to me and ask to be picked up. It's always nice as a dad to know that you wore out your kid with fun.
PS - I forgot to tell Kristin, but he was REALLY good about leaving stores. I didn't want him in certain stores and I'd just say "Out, out, out!" and steer him. He didn't protest at all. He usually makes his funny "Du-du-du-du!" noise when he isn't happy with us.
I carried him all the way to Finish Line to make the return because I knew once I put him down, he'd be off and running. Sure enough, when I signed the receipt for the return I put him down and he sprinted for the door. The day before, he enjoyed going inside the circle of clothes (what kid doesn't?), but he decided he just wanted to leave. I pretty much let him go wherever he wanted. I only picked him up when a gaggle of teens were sprinting through. It's not the Jewelry he like, it was the stands with the reflections that he really dug. He also made a point to stop at Hot Topic. He got his groove on with the music. He met a boy around the same age and they looked and poked each other. They actually got a decent crowd of people awwwing at them. Eventually Jason decided he like his 3 yr old sister better and would have followed her if given the chance.
We skipped the playground because it was too crowded. We spent the longest time at Kay-bee Toys. He likes the ball tower. He pulls them out the bottom and I throw them back over the top. It never ends. After that I went to look at shoes at Mervyns. I looked at shoes and he looked at bras. It was actually kinda difficult. "That" section has lots of skinny aisles and stuff where I can't follow him easily. I got really close to buying some running shoes, but I didn't.
Anyway, Kristin's right - on the way to the car, he didn't want to walk anymore. I'd put him down and he'd come right back to me and ask to be picked up. It's always nice as a dad to know that you wore out your kid with fun.
PS - I forgot to tell Kristin, but he was REALLY good about leaving stores. I didn't want him in certain stores and I'd just say "Out, out, out!" and steer him. He didn't protest at all. He usually makes his funny "Du-du-du-du!" noise when he isn't happy with us.
Out of bed?
Yesterday I could not get out of bed or I guess off the couch. It was a pretty bad pregnancy day. Poor Jason went down for a nap at 12:30 instead of 1:30 because I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Even after the nap I was wiped out. It was pretty interesting. On top of that I felt pretty sick all day.
Will told me that he he loves it that I know how to cook. He always tells me that when I am not feeling well and we eat one of those quick microwave or skillet meals. Well I am glad he appreciates my cooking. Today is a lot better so far. I actually have some energy to do things.
Last night Will and Jason walked around the mall and returned some basketball shoes. Will really wore Jason out. When we put him to bed he didn't move from that spot. He was wiped out. I guess he walked the whole stretch of the mall. Will let Jason walk where ever he wanted to. I guess he really likes jewelry stores.
Will told me that he he loves it that I know how to cook. He always tells me that when I am not feeling well and we eat one of those quick microwave or skillet meals. Well I am glad he appreciates my cooking. Today is a lot better so far. I actually have some energy to do things.
Last night Will and Jason walked around the mall and returned some basketball shoes. Will really wore Jason out. When we put him to bed he didn't move from that spot. He was wiped out. I guess he walked the whole stretch of the mall. Will let Jason walk where ever he wanted to. I guess he really likes jewelry stores.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Shopping and Eating

Also we went to the store and put him in his seat. We never looked back at him until we got home and found this. Every time I think about it I laugh.

Easter videos

We then had Jason look for Easter eggs. It was a good thing that they were hard boiled because as soon as he found them he threw them like they were balls. I wish I could put the video up, but it is to big of a file.
Dinner was with the Spences and Travis. We ended up with a ton of ham left over and now we are trying to figure out what to make with it. So far we have come up with omelets and fried rice. Any other suggestions?
Will's Surprise Entry:
Just thought I'd get everyone excited over Kristin's entry to come. I know we said we'd show Easter footage, but yesterday's was even better. Let's just say that our kid is pretty silly and it's funny what he does when we're watching (and when we're not!) You all willl love it.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Easter!
Another week has come and gone. We were able to hang out with a lot of family this weekend. Wills parents were in town and so were Troy and Tracie. Friday night dinner at Olive Garden with all of them was pretty nice and uneventful until Will and I returned home. Will ate a huge plate of Crab Alfredo, now he knew he was allergic to shell fish, but we did not know how bad it was until we got home. He noticed a few splotches on his belly at about 9 PM, not to bad. By the middle of the night he looked like one pink puff ball. Poor guy played video games all night so that he would not Itch himself. I think he probably got 2 hours of sleep that night. I took this picture of him at 11 am the next day and he is still swollen! 

Saturday we were able to go eat out with Wills family again and some close family friends. It was good to see everyone again.
Friday, April 06, 2007
What the heck!
Wow so I get on this morning and find out that every relative I have is pregnant and due at the same time as me. How crazy is that. I guess Feb was a fertile month haha. What there is Britany in September, a friend in October, Trish, then me, and then Bobbie. Holy cow any one else want to add to the pregnancy list? Well it is nice to know that other people out there are just as nauseous, tired, and have sore breasts like me. Well congrats to everyone!
On a side note Jason had his check up yesterday and things are looking good. The weight gain sure does slow down right now. I was expecting a 30 lb kid by now, but alas he is only 22 lb 9 oz. That is ok by me. I can still pick him up pretty easily.
On a side note Jason had his check up yesterday and things are looking good. The weight gain sure does slow down right now. I was expecting a 30 lb kid by now, but alas he is only 22 lb 9 oz. That is ok by me. I can still pick him up pretty easily.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Mad noises
When I am annoyed with Jason I grunt. He has started to pick up on that.
Yesterday was a usual day. I did however do our taxes and sweep/mop so that we could spray the kitchen for ants. The taxes are going to cover Guatemala, and I have not seen any ants in the house today. Hurray!
The last thing, I didn't remember how many vivid dreams you have when you are pregnant until last night and the night before. Man it is a good thing that I think about good things and people before bed. I watched a CSI before bed and the dream scared me to death!
Yesterday was a usual day. I did however do our taxes and sweep/mop so that we could spray the kitchen for ants. The taxes are going to cover Guatemala, and I have not seen any ants in the house today. Hurray!
The last thing, I didn't remember how many vivid dreams you have when you are pregnant until last night and the night before. Man it is a good thing that I think about good things and people before bed. I watched a CSI before bed and the dream scared me to death!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Graham crackers any one?

Another thing Will and I are trying to do is switch Jason off of the bottle. So far he will not drink regular milk out of the sippy cup, but he will drink flavored milk. We will start adding less and less of the flavor in and hopefully he will eventually drink milk from a cup. He loves the bottle. I think it comforts him.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Colored Chicks?
As Will and I drive to Wal-mart we pass an animal feed sort of place. During Easter time they always sell baby chicks and well Will had a hay day with this sign. He is a very literal thinker and had to get a picture of it.
One more thing for us to worry about are ants. Yesterday I started to sweep and noticed there were a billion ants every where. It was crazy. We went and bought ant crystals and spray, so hopefully we will have the rest of the summer with out ants.

Monday, April 02, 2007
Nurses and Needles
This morning I went to the doctor and saw a nurse for a pre-need your information, insurance, health history appointment. I would just assume that I would not have to do that again, because I had Jason with this doctor, but I still had to give her all the same information again. That's ok, I did get a few magazines and prenatal vitamins out of it.
In the end I had to get my blood drawn. I did a lot better then the first time I had to get it taken. Poor Will walked right into the room and I never followed. It took me 10 min to even enter the room. The funny thing was the person who drew my blood gave me a starburst after for doing such a good job, haha.
This time was interesting I do have to say. Jason bonked his head and we were talking about how all little kids have bruises. I guess in her class they just covered Mongolian spot. We mentioned that Jason had them and she asked to see them. It was a little weird, but she was fascinated by them.
Everyone is gone now. It was nice to visit with Suzanne this weekend. But it was a pretty quick weekend with conference. Ok I am done typing for today.
In the end I had to get my blood drawn. I did a lot better then the first time I had to get it taken. Poor Will walked right into the room and I never followed. It took me 10 min to even enter the room. The funny thing was the person who drew my blood gave me a starburst after for doing such a good job, haha.
This time was interesting I do have to say. Jason bonked his head and we were talking about how all little kids have bruises. I guess in her class they just covered Mongolian spot. We mentioned that Jason had them and she asked to see them. It was a little weird, but she was fascinated by them.
Everyone is gone now. It was nice to visit with Suzanne this weekend. But it was a pretty quick weekend with conference. Ok I am done typing for today.
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