Another week has come and gone. We were able to hang out with a lot of family this weekend. Wills parents were in town and so were Troy and Tracie. Friday night dinner at Olive Garden with all of them was pretty nice and uneventful until Will and I returned home. Will ate a huge plate of Crab Alfredo, now he knew he was allergic to shell fish, but we did not know how bad it was until we got home. He noticed a few splotches on his belly at about 9 PM, not to bad. By the middle of the night he looked like one pink puff ball. Poor guy played video games all night so that he would not Itch himself. I think he probably got 2 hours of sleep that night. I took this picture of him at 11 am the next day and he is still swollen! 

Saturday we were able to go eat out with Wills family again and some close family friends. It was good to see everyone again.
Poor WILL! I remember when we found out Ty was allergic to a certain laundry detergent...poor guy! I hope he's feeling better now.
Oh my...he doesn't look very good. I talked with him on the phone about 10:00 am and he said he'd had a reaction, but he still seemed chipper and happy. What a trooper! I guess no more Crab Alfredo for you!!
Yuck. Sorry Will.
The thought of crab Alfredo is not a pleasant one right now...
Sorry Will!!
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