Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Colored Chicks?

As Will and I drive to Wal-mart we pass an animal feed sort of place. During Easter time they always sell baby chicks and well Will had a hay day with this sign. He is a very literal thinker and had to get a picture of it.

One more thing for us to worry about are ants. Yesterday I started to sweep and noticed there were a billion ants every where. It was crazy. We went and bought ant crystals and spray, so hopefully we will have the rest of the summer with out ants.


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I've been waiting all morning for the picture to arrive. Now to send it to Lackofbrains.com

Anonymous said...

Funny.... I wonder how they color the chicks? Do you think they really have an ape there too. Can you buy one for your kid for easter morn?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the sign says "are" but still funny to think "ape."

And the term "colored" really doesn't go over big with African Americans either.

Still thinking about that dumb sign!

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

do they have non-colored chicks also? I wonder.....

Holly said...

Colored Chicks? Hmmm... About the ants...I always bug bombed our home (it takes about 4 of them) every Spring and it keeps those pesty ants away! :)

Jeremy said...

LOL That is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I've been into that place. ;-) But I missed the special chicks...

Kelly Spence said...

Funny sign. I was so confused, stil am actually. I didn't know you could color chicks. You'd think animal rights people would get on them or something. :)