Monday, April 16, 2007

Stupid comment

Ok I forgot the funniest part of the weekend. Yes it was something that I said.

I was taking a shower and Will was getting ready for the day. We gate Jason out of the bathroom so he doesn't make a mess. Well I couldn't see him and he was making noises. I have this fetish with closing my eyes pretty much through out the whole shower so I don't get anything in them (yes water counts, I can't stand it). I asked Will why Jason was crying, and he told me that he wasn't.

I wiped my face off and then Jason made that noise again. Will asked me if it sounded like he was crying. And my response was "Well no, now that I have my eyes opened."

He has not let me live it down yet!

1 comment:

Holly said...

It sounds like you the curse I have...I KNOW what I am trying to say, but it never comes out right! This weekend I told the boys to pay attenson. Yep, attenson...not attention. :O