If you guessed a girl, then you are right. Here are a few pictures from the ultra sound.
Here is the very open leg shot of her humm, "carnal treasure," or in other words there is nothing there. She was a modest little girl, and covered herself up with her hands after a while.
Here is the foot.
If you look really hard this is a picture of her profile and her hand is underneath her chin. She really liked this position and really wouldn't move.
I did give Jason a hair cut yesterday as you will see in the video. So usually Jason is so excited to see Will when he gets home. We have tried to capture it on the camera, but have not been successful yet. He gets so hyper, but not this time. I don't think he knew what he was saying... Yes the video is dark, sorry.
It is going to be another quick entry today. Yesterday was a pretty boring day, except that we went disc golfing with Matt and Mickie and the guys played basketball. It was a good release of stress for both of the guys.
I did how ever make ribs for dinner. I am still not into eating that much meat, if any, and I even had some. They were tasty. Corn on the cob was Jason's favorite. Man he can really go at it.
Yes I already have to deal with sibling rivalry. I think I am in for a lot of trouble. Jason came and sat on my lap, not a problem. The whole time the other one keep kicking him, "She's mine. Get off mom's lap!" I thought it was pretty funny.
How uncomfortable does Jason look? We just thought he looked more so then usual.
I can't believe it, I forgot my camera. We went mini golfing on Saturday night and Jason was so cute with his little ball. It was quite interesting, the first person would hit the ball and run after it before Jason could get to the ball. He thought, Oh ball I must get it for them. It was pretty interesting.
We also went out to Los Hermonos and were pretty disappointed. Our waiter was new and pretty awkward. We were seated with in 15 min, he took our order, and we waited for our food. 45 min later we still didn't have our food. My order got lost some where. The people next to us that sat down 20 after we did got there food before us. How does that happen. they even had a bigger group. By the time I got my food I was tired of the whole scene and not hungry any more. Jason was screaming and it was just not the funnest experience. Oh I didn't even touch my food and they still made us pay for it. Yeah, I was not really impressed. We left a nice but disappointing comment on there website.
We had Matt and Mickie over for dinner last night. It was nice hanging out with them. I know Jason really enjoyed it. We got Matt and new disc for his birthday and so the guys had to go test it out. They had a good time I think, but they spent a lot of time out in the weeds trying to find Matt's new disc. Apparently he is not use to how it flies yet.
Now don't think to hard about this picture. I have been cleaning all morning and not payed attention to Jason. This is how I found him.
He also came up to me once with a mouth full of tums. I put them in the nightstand because thats when I need them. I know he ate at least 3, because I pulled 3 different colors out of his mouth. It is good they were tums. I figure he got his calcium for the day, haha.
Sorry there is no picture today. My camera was charging while Jason and I were out side (Ok I just didn't want people to see me in my swimsuit). We both got in our swimming suits and went in his little pool. Really I lotioned up and when we got out side I chickened out. Haha that little pool is cold even with me putting 6 pots of boiling water in in. I don't know how he likes it so much.
At night we took a family walk and will probably take another one tonight. They get pretty tiresome after a while, Jason is so SLOW!
Some exciting news is that the BYU women's football camp is here again, Aug 2nd. If anyone wants to go let my mom know and she will sign you up, (do you like how I made you in charge mom, haha). It is 25 for the first in the family and 20 for everyone after that. You get a program guide, pamphlet on the rules, t-shirt, tour of the locker room, q&a session, and you run through some drills. It is pretty fun and yes I am even excited to go again this year.
I have been feeling this little one kick me since I was 13 weeks along, and now I am 19. Last night I said that it was kicking me pretty hard for being so small and Will actually volunteered to put his hand on my belly. He felt it for the first time. He did put a nice spin on it. Right after he said "That was the kick." I confirmed and then he said, "If you passed gas I would have thought that was it." Nice Will.
Will and I bought a real cheap small blow up pool for Jason to play in. He absolutely loves it. Kailye got a little board, but that was to be expected.
Our activity was to make strawberry sorbet. I have to say the stupid ice cream maker we bought didn't work. The moter would not spin the sorbet. I was pretty disappointed. It is now in the freezer and we still have not tried it. Maybe after lunch.
Jason had so much fun playing in the pool, last night Will took him outside to putt around and he got right in. What was I going to do, so I stripped all his clothes including his diaper and let him play. He was freezing, but he had so much fun. I did boil 3 big pots of water to warm him up, but it still was not that warm. Silly kid.
The other day Will surprised me with rolls that I absolutely love. What a sweet husband I have. Ok that is not the interesting part. The interesting part is that he went to a drive thru grocery store to get them. They just built a store where you drive up tell them what you want, pay, and drive away all with out leaving your car. The cool thing is they don't accept tips and they don't make you pay for the service. Ok well the prices are a little higher, but how nice is it to not leave your car. They only have stuff that you would need to replace on a frequent basic.
And other funny thing is that Jason stayed up later then Will and I 2 nights ago. We got home from Matt and Mickie's at 10, he drank his bottle, took a bath (they still have play grounds with sand can you believe it) and we put him in bed. At 10:50 we hear him taking to himself, still. Silly kid.
Last night we had a primary activity and Will and I were in charge of a group. Ok I probably was in charge of one, but I had a terrible migraine. I felt so bad walking into the activity with a Pepsi in my had and heavily drugged up with Tylenol. I am still suffering from a light headache, but I am hopeful that it will go away soon.
That activity turned out really well. They actually stuck to the time allowed and I think the kids had fun. The one thing I would have changed was that the activity ran from 7-8:45 PM. It was pretty hard for the 3 year olds. But that is what time the Young Men/Women could put it on. Yes I forgot my camera, you will live haha.
My computer crashed looking at Jeremy's blog (thanks Jeremy), so now I have to write it all over. Bummer. So it will be a faster version.
Our activity yesterday was play dough and making mini pizzas. Both activities were a hit. We read a book about a boy who tricked people in to eating play dough cookies. So naturally we made play dough. We played with the play dough for over an hour and 15 min from start to finish.
We did go disc golfing (Frisbee + golf = frolf) with Matt and Mickie. Dinner was a fajitas at Mickie's work, and then we watched a little of Mickie play softball.
Jason enjoyed frolfing.
Mickie is batting, but in this picture she missed the ball. If you look closely you can see the ball under the catchers foot. (I love sisterly rights to tease) She has a picture where she actually hit the ball on her blog. She did pretty well for not having any of her own clothes and mitt. Yeah the funny part of the night was Mickie calling ME up and asked if I could bring her some of MY work out clothes. HAHA me? If I do work out I am in my PJ's in my living room. I did manage to scrounge up something for her.
Jason has driven me nuts with this. I guess I say it a lot.
Jason Learned how to say Matt's name. Matt was pretty excited about it.
I have forgot to tell everyone that I am finished with the second Fablehaven. Will was curious if anyone in our primary class knew what that book was. OH MY GOSH. He opened up a can of worms. Everyone was shouting "I read it! I loved it!" Holy cow. It took a while for us to settle the kids down after that question.
I am now hooked on reading a little before I go to bed, so we went to the library and picked up Pride and Prejudice. It is a lot harder of a read, but then again I have seen the movie so many times I just think back to it and I understand what is happening.
I didn't post this morning and I know you all missed reading it. I didn't quite get around to posting before Kailye came over, so now I will post it.
This is the first weekend in a very long time that we didn't really see Matt and Mickie. Jason was pretty sad when they came over, dropped off the camera, and left. He sat at the window for quite a while waiting. He got over it eventually. We are going frolfing with them tonight, so that Jason can have his Matt and Mickie fill for the week.
Here is a quick run down of every thing we did: bowling (Jason had a fun time helping me push the ball down the lane), rented a movie (Fearless, it was terrible), frolfing, naps, walmart runs, rented another movie (Happy Feet, it was terrible too), and went to church. So it was a pretty busy weekend.
I know you all are wondering, "Did, Kristin ever find some pants that actually fit her?" I am happy to say that I did. Gap actually has sizes, so I was able to get a pair that makes me feel like a normal person again. I felt so frumpy in my other pants. HAHA what a great picture, Huuuu?
It was an incredibly hot weekend. Jason loved to stand right over the vent to get cool. I remember doing that when I was a kid.
I left Jason alone for a min in the tub and this is what I found.
This is how he escaped. I think I need to watch him carefully in the tub from now on. Dang.
Ok this video is not for the faint of hearts, or like to see Jason ruffed up (yes that means you Joanna).
Jason was loving it. He would flip his head up so that he could see. What a silly kid. You can see how much he loved it. Once Matt would be done he would go lay in front of him hoping that he would grab his legs again.
I am now watching Kailye on Mondays and Wednesdays. I have decided that I need and activity to do every time she is here, so that we have something to look forward to. I think so far it has worked out pretty well. On Wednesday it was running through the sprinklers. Both of them really enjoyed themselves.
Jason is having a hard time adjusting to someone else sharing my time, but I think that it is good practice for when the baby comes. He does LOVE playing with Kailye. He follows her everywhere.
I'm getting wet!
Humm this tastes good.
What are you doing? Sunbathing... What the heck is that? Come in the water with me.
Dad taught me how to putt. Look how good I am!
Dang nice shot!
As for the phone, for the last 4 years we have been getting Chinese telemarketers. They call at pretty late hour. We have had them call at 10:30 before. That is illegal. They are not supposed to call pat 9 PM. It is so frustrating. We get the calls at least once a month and when they do call it is several times in that night. We have had up to 4 calls one right after the other in a row. Come on do you really need to call us 4 times. We do know from Wills limited Chinese that it is both companies dish and direct tv.
We have registered on the national do not call list, both companies do not call list, we have written complaints, changed our name to WuBragg, and we last night filed a complaint with the police department (we were referred to call the cops from the federal trade commission). We both feel like this is harassment. He was on the phone for over 2 hours talking and on hold trying to get this straightened out.
Pretty much everyone has told us that the best option is to 1 get caller ID, 2 buy a product that tells solicitors to hang up, 3 change our phone number and go unlisted. We both feel strongly that we should not have to pay money to stop this problem. Will is strongly tempted to buy an air horn and blow it into the phone when they call. The cop said that it is our phone and liked the idea.
Last night as we were coming home from shopping we saw the pickle kid. Will jumped out out of the car and said "are you up for a pickle challenge?" The kid excitedly said "Yes."
Ok the back story on the pickle kid. In primary for their birthday, they tell peoples favorites. One of those favorites is food. When it was Wills birthday he said that he liked to eat pickles. This kid came up to him after primary and said "I will race you." So there has been a challenge out there for about a year now.
It was a pretty exciting race. Will was down in the beginning, but pickle kid shoved to much in his mouth at the end so he could not chew. Will still had 1/3 of the pickle left when pickle kid shoved the rest of his in his mouth. Will pulled it out in the end.
Good job Will, you beat a 13 year old in a pickle eating challenge. Ok it really was harder then it sounds, he was real competition.
So now you all know yet another one of Will's quarks. Just think of the many that he hasn't shared. I still love him regardless. Here are some more pictures from the weekend.
Matt and Mickie wanted to take a picture on that rock. Jason had to follow and tromped in the water to get to them. Yes he has nice wet shoes.
We decided to take a picture on the rock too.
Love birds, even if they think we aren't watching.
Well, this entry is definitely here quickly by Kristin's request.
We just got back from the dentist. I don't know how it came up, I think we were discussing Kristin's teeth when I remembered to ask something. There's something weird about my teeth that I had never mentioned to anyone except Kristin. When I have to pee REALLY bad and hold it, when I actually do go, my teeth tingle. It's pretty weird and the dentist and assistant thought it was one of the stranger things they've heard of (it goes without saying that Kristin thought so to.
Kristin and I went to schedule our next appts when the dentist came back. Apparently he brought it up with the other dentist (I hope he wasn't making fun of me - he seems like a nice guy). Anyway, he came back excited and I said "He's heard of it?!?!?" The dentist replied "No, he HAS it and he's never told anybody about it."
Pretty funny, eh? I'm convinced most people live with this condition without telling anyone. Well, probably not, but I think this has made a funny story.
It has been another busy weekend. Really it has been a busy Saturday. We meaning, who else, Matt, Mickie, Will, and I decided to go to Solitude to disc golf. It was an experience let me tell you. It is on top of a mountain and you are throwing down hill pretty much the whole time. It was crazy. It is one of those things we would do probably do one more time this season.
You get there and you can either hike up to the top, or you can take a lift to the top. With a kid in a stroller and a pregnant me we decided to take the lift. I think I would have died if we hiked up the mountain. (I forgot to mention we had a nice picnic right before we started to disc golf.)
Everyone had a really good time throwing and we didn't even loose a disc. I did however make Mickie push Jason most of the way. Going down to the first hole I slipped on my tush and almost let go of Jason down the very steep hill. From then on he was all Mickies.
First hole...
Matt's amazing putt. You can see the basket to the far right.
Will's amazing putt.
I want to come too, I even have a disc!
Will hucked the disc from the top of the hill to in the middle of the picture. He almost killed Jason, Mickie, and I. It came hurling by 6 feet from our heads.
So after we went to JcPenny and each bought $125 worth of cloths each. This week they were running a promotion that if you bought that much then you would get a free round trip ticket to certain destinations. Matt needed new clothes for his new job and well we just wanted the free tickets. We are pretty excited to use them.
It was Jason's first day in nursery all alone. When I left him he got pretty wide eyed, and when I returned he looked exhausted. The last little bit of nursery I guess he was pretty emotional. When we took him home he just stared at us like, "how could you abandon me." I am hoping that he will adjust to nursery alone pretty quick. He loves playing with the other kids, so I am pretty optimistic.
As Mickie and I have been trying to win tickets on the radio for the Tim and Faith, it brought me back to my childhood. In the mornings we use to blast the radio while we were doing our chores int he morning. They would do contests and we would take turns trying to win. HD won a CD and I won tickets to look at the Blue spruce, which we never went to see (that was ok with me). It was pretty fun trying to win. Mickie did win tickets yesterday, I guess they are lucky when it comes to Tim and Faith (Front row tickets last year and now free tickets, GO them!!)
Ok so Jason is the weirdest little kid in the world...
Today is the first day I am wearing pregnancy clothes. It is 3 weeks earlier then Jason, but it is time. This last week I have been wearing sweat pants, and I realized that I just need to start wearing my maternity clothes. I do have to complain for a second. It is the hardest thing to find cute pants for me. I am pretty small and stay pretty much the same except I get a belly. Well every one who makes maternity pants thinks that I am going to grow a huge butt. It is the most frustrating thing in the world, and hardly anyone makes XS pants. What, do smaller people not get pregnant?? Ok I am done venting. I at least have one pair of pants that sum what fit. We will be out pants shopping next week for sure. Oh and getting shade/modbe/undertee) what ever brand is cheapest shirts. Yes Bobbie you got me hooked on those types of shirts and now I am so self conscious when I don't wear one.
Well I decided that I was getting out of the house last night and went to a class on making smoothies. She made 4 smoothies and only 1 I liked. It was a banana cream smoothie. It tasted like banana cream pie.
Will and Jason hung out at the mall and played at the slide as usual. Interesting he never went down the slide once. What weird kid only goes up and down the stairs. Humm my weird kid.
Last but not least this morning I gave Jason a poptart and he got it all over his hands. He stuck them out for me to clean. I thought that he would just lick them off. No. I put his hands in his mouth and he scowled at me. Fine I got wipes out and wiped his hands. He was much happier with me.
Wow I can wait a long time till we have to do laundry. It all finally piled up and I did 5 loads yesterday. Dang, the washer dryer were working overtime yesterday.
It is yet another crumby weather day, so i have the stuck inside blues. Jason and I will have to find something fun to do today.
So our car was squeaking and we knew we needed to change our breaks. We took in our car and it wasn't going to be very much money, but then before the guy even got to the car he asked if it was jerking when we stopped. We said yes and he told us we would need new rooters. Ok fine it was only going to be an extra 30 bucks. Then we found out that our caliper was leaking and that would be extra. It didn't end up costing that much thank goodness. Will was so excited that we had to go out for a drive. It was a nice smooth ride. Usually we are jerking the whole way.
So we drove to the mall and hung out at the play area. There were not many kids and Jason was having a good time. I looked terrible, because it was a laundry day, but as soon as I sat down 2 guys started to look at me. I caught there eye and then they looked away real fast. How weird was that. So I see out of the corner of my eye that they are looking at me and then writing something down. What is that? I finally figured out that they were drawing me probably for one of their classes. I stood up and walked passed and saw a drawing. What a relief, it was creepy them looking at me.
On a more funny note, Will and I bought some popcorn and I was offering some to Jason. Jason didn't want any, but a little girl passing did. She stuck her hand right in and took some. I thought it was quite funny, but the mother was not as amused with the daughter.
For such an eventful weekend nothing really happened yesterday. I did however finish the book Fablehaven. It is from a Utah author who "lives on a hill above a prison" Humm I wonder where he lives.
I really enjoyed the book, so Will went out and bought me the sequel to read. How lucky was I that the sequel came out in may. I always hate waiting for sequels to come out. They take so long!
It has been a fun busy weekend. Yes this entry is going to be a long one, just skim it or look at pictures... Will and I kicked it off at one of our new favorite places to eat Wingers. How weird is that. We use to make fun of that place, but the free dessert is just so good.
So we played hard with Matt and Mickie on Saturday. I wish I got pictures because Jason now has allergies. The poor kid looked like he was beaten up. We went to Connor's baseball game and Jason fell off the curb, so he already had 3 bumps on his head. Then to add to it his nose was running the whole time and his eyes were almost swollen shut when we went disc golfing. He looked terrible. Then to add to that Matt and Will took him to a little water park and with his shirt off and the Mongolian spots showing I was sure that someone was going to call the cops on us. No one did thankfully.
Saturday night we went out to dinner with Will's Uncle Jerry. It was good to see him. He is a really nice guy. It is fun to get to know Will's aunts and uncles on a one by one basis. Usually they all come at once and it it such a whirl wind of people.
So an embarrassing story about church. Jason has now discovered the sacrament, which is all fine and good, but when he grabs at it it starts to be a problem. Will was passing me the water and Jason grabbed a cup sticking his fingers in several other cups. It trough me off guard and I dropped the almost full tray of water. Yes all over myself. Humm I picked up most of the cups and handed it to the deacon. I was probably pretty red for quite a while. Who spills the sacrament, 5 year olds do it.
Ok you are more then half way done with the blog, to those of you who have gotten this far congrats. So after church an older couple int he ward came up to me and said they had something for Jason and wanted to drop it off after church. They came over and brought him a church outfit for the summer. They said all their grand kids lived far away and they were feeling grandparently, so they bought a few kids in the ward clothes. It was real sweet of them.
So last but not least we went over to Mickey and Art's house last night. We also saw Grandma and Grandpa Coombs. It was pretty fun hanging out with all of them. Jason had a blast playing with Kai and MAK, especially on the trampoline and the horse (he is not allergic hurray!!). Kai would bounce Jason and they both would laugh and they both loved it. Jason liked the horse until the very end then he cried. All in all the weekend was a blast, packed full of fun.
Ok look at Jason first and then look at Will. I caught it at the perfect time. No one got hurt, it was really actually funny.