I can't believe it, I forgot my camera. We went mini golfing on Saturday night and Jason was so cute with his little ball. It was quite interesting, the first person would hit the ball and run after it before Jason could get to the ball. He thought, Oh ball I must get it for them. It was pretty interesting.
We also went out to Los Hermonos and were pretty disappointed. Our waiter was new and pretty awkward. We were seated with in 15 min, he took our order, and we waited for our food. 45 min later we still didn't have our food. My order got lost some where. The people next to us that sat down 20 after we did got there food before us. How does that happen. they even had a bigger group. By the time I got my food I was tired of the whole scene and not hungry any more. Jason was screaming and it was just not the funnest experience. Oh I didn't even touch my food and they still made us pay for it. Yeah, I was not really impressed. We left a nice but disappointing comment on there website.
We had Matt and Mickie over for dinner last night. It was nice hanging out with them. I know Jason really enjoyed it. We got Matt and new disc for his birthday and so the guys had to go test it out. They had a good time I think, but they spent a lot of time out in the weeds trying to find Matt's new disc. Apparently he is not use to how it flies yet.
I hate when you have a bad experience when you are going out to eat. That is when you are trying to relax. To make you pay for it on top of that-CRAZY. You need to ask Uncle Eric about the time when we were dating and I got our entire bill 'comped'. He was so excited that he could afford to take me to a movie. Ahh, memories...
So he hasn't quite got the miniture golf concept yet, huh?
Too bad about dinner, let's not go there next week.
I love that picture. So funny, And by the way, your camera takes awesome pictures. The color is always amazing. I want to know what it is.
I can't stand Los sometimes. Someone should reaLLY SHOW us this disc golfing stuff.
That caption was awesome!!!
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