It has been a fun busy weekend. Yes this entry is going to be a long one, just skim it or look at pictures... Will and I kicked it off at one of our new favorite places to eat Wingers. How weird is that. We use to make fun of that place, but the free dessert is just so good.
So we played hard with Matt and Mickie on Saturday. I wish I got pictures because Jason now has allergies. The poor kid looked like he was beaten up. We went to Connor's baseball game and Jason fell off the curb, so he already had 3 bumps on his head. Then to add to it his nose was running the whole time and his eyes were almost swollen shut when we went disc golfing. He looked terrible. Then to add to that Matt and Will took him to a little water park and with his shirt off and the Mongolian spots showing I was sure that someone was going to call the cops on us. No one did thankfully.
Saturday night we went out to dinner with Will's Uncle Jerry. It was good to see him. He is a really nice guy. It is fun to get to know Will's aunts and uncles on a one by one basis. Usually they all come at once and it it such a whirl wind of people.
So an embarrassing story about church. Jason has now discovered the sacrament, which is all fine and good, but when he grabs at it it starts to be a problem. Will was passing me the water and Jason grabbed a cup sticking his fingers in several other cups. It trough me off guard and I dropped the almost full tray of water. Yes all over myself. Humm I picked up most of the cups and handed it to the deacon. I was probably pretty red for quite a while. Who spills the sacrament, 5 year olds do it.
Ok you are more then half way done with the blog, to those of you who have gotten this far congrats. So after church an older couple int he ward came up to me and said they had something for Jason and wanted to drop it off after church. They came over and brought him a church outfit for the summer. They said all their grand kids lived far away and they were feeling grandparently, so they bought a few kids in the ward clothes. It was real sweet of them.
So last but not least we went over to Mickey and Art's house last night. We also saw Grandma and Grandpa Coombs. It was pretty fun hanging out with all of them. Jason had a blast playing with Kai and MAK, especially on the trampoline and the horse (he is not allergic hurray!!). Kai would bounce Jason and they both would laugh and they both loved it. Jason liked the horse until the very end then he cried. All in all the weekend was a blast, packed full of fun.
Ok look at Jason first and then look at Will. I caught it at the perfect time. No one got hurt, it was really actually funny.
Yay! I made it all the way! I read the WHOLE THING! Mine is way longer. I went into better detail. I gotta get that camera fixed thats why i write so much. Too bad you didnt get a picture of Jason with his little Nemo swimmer on. It was so cute!
I just have to say that Wingers is by far my favorite place to eat. I am so sad they don't have one here in Arizona. Jesse and I would eat at that place all the time! Good luck with your pregnancy! We are expecting too!! I am due January 1st. Super excited!!!
I bet everyone would not stop until the end. I didn't. Anyway, what was Jason allergic to? I hope he is all better now. The in-ground trampoline is the best. It is safer. Great pictures of Will.
Yay! I made it all the way! I read the WHOLE THING! Mine is way longer. I went into better detail. I gotta get that camera fixed thats why i write so much. Too bad you didnt get a picture of Jason with his little Nemo swimmer on. It was so cute!
Ok, I read the whole thing, and the pics were great! I really like Will's face as he's trying to rescue Jaosn! Priceless!
So cute...glad you had a good time this weekend. :)
I just have to say that Wingers is by far my favorite place to eat. I am so sad they don't have one here in Arizona. Jesse and I would eat at that place all the time! Good luck with your pregnancy! We are expecting too!! I am due January 1st. Super excited!!!
I bet everyone would not stop until the end. I didn't. Anyway, what was Jason allergic to? I hope he is all better now. The in-ground trampoline is the best. It is safer. Great pictures of Will.
Poor kid. I hate alergies. I'm sad we missed the BBQ it looks like fun.
What a blog! :-) I'm so glad you guys got to go see Grandma and Grandpa!
I loved this line "Ok you are more then half way done with the blog, to those of you who have gotten this far congrats."
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