It has been another busy weekend. Really it has been a busy Saturday. We meaning, who else, Matt, Mickie, Will, and I decided to go to Solitude to disc golf. It was an experience let me tell you. It is on top of a mountain and you are throwing down hill pretty much the whole time. It was crazy. It is one of those things we would do probably do one more time this season.

You get there and you can either hike up to the top, or you can take a lift to the top. With a kid in a stroller and a pregnant me we decided to take the lift. I think I would have died if we hiked up the mountain. (I forgot to mention we had a nice picnic right before we started to disc golf.)

Everyone had a really good time throwing and we didn't even loose a disc. I did however make Mickie push Jason most of the way. Going down to the first hole I slipped on my tush and almost let go of Jason down the very steep hill. From then on he was all Mickies.

First hole...

Matt's amazing putt. You can see the basket to the far right.

Will's amazing putt.

I want to come too, I even have a disc!

Will hucked the disc from the top of the hill to in the middle of the picture. He almost killed Jason, Mickie, and I. It came hurling by 6 feet from our heads.
So after we went to JcPenny and each bought $125 worth of cloths each. This week they were running a promotion that if you bought that much then you would get a free round trip ticket to certain destinations. Matt needed new clothes for his new job and well we just wanted the free tickets. We are pretty excited to use them.
It was Jason's first day in nursery all alone. When I left him he got pretty wide eyed, and when I returned he looked exhausted. The last little bit of nursery I guess he was pretty emotional. When we took him home he just stared at us like, "how could you abandon me." I am hoping that he will adjust to nursery alone pretty quick. He loves playing with the other kids, so I am pretty optimistic.
Oh My! That course looks amazingly tough! I can't believe you didn't loose any discs?
I'm excited about the trip too. I'm not sure how they could afford to do that, I keep waiting for the catch.
Fun. I don't disc golf but I want to go it looks so pretty.
Sounds like a Full and fun weekend!!!
That's crazy about the clothes and the free trip. Very nice.
Holy COW that is a crazy course...
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