Friday, August 31, 2007

Will's Entry: Simi High (funny name, say it out loud!)

First off, let's just say that I have a "thing" about finding the unadulterated survey. No missing #25 or 33 for me!

1. Who was your best friend?
Probably Carlo Cruz.

2. What sports did you play?
For school: Tennis, but I played a fair bit of basketball on the

3. What kind of car did you drive?
Didnt have one

4. On a Friday night what where you doing?
Probably watching the X-files

5. Were you a party animal?
Probably not a surprise, but No

6. Were you considered a flirt?
I really doubt it

7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
Nope, quit that in 10

8. Were you a nerd?
9. Did you get suspended/expelled?

10. Can you still sing the fight song?
Did we even have one?

11. Who was your favorite teacher?
Mr Wickwire - he was my coach too

12. Where did you sit during lunch?
Middle of the Quad

13. Name the school full name?
Simi Valley High School

14. School mascot?

15. School colors?
Red and Yellow

16. Rival high school?

17. Did you go to Prom?

18. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Only if I don't have to be as small.

19. What do you remember most about graduation?
I threw my hat and my mom was mad because then I didn't have one for pictures afterward.

20. Where did you go senior skip day?
I am pretty sure I went to class

21. Favorite memory -
Winning Co-MVP & 1st Team All League for Tennis my senior year. I was shocked - didn't even play Varsity until my senior year!

22. Were you in any clubs?
No, but I will say that I beat the president of the Chess Club one rainy day when I was bored. (I started the chess club in Jr High, but didn't play at all in High School. I don't think my rep would have survived. :)

23. Where did you go most often for lunch?
Taco Bell

24. Have you gained some weight since graduation?
Yes, but I'd rather be this size

25. Who was your Senior prom date?
Not applicable

26. Are you planning on going to your 10-year reunion?
Can't say that I am, though it's this year.

27. Who was your home room teacher?
Didn't have one

28. Who will repost this after you?
probably no-one

29. Who was your high school sweetheart?
I always did have a mini-crush on Natasha (don't laugh Tracie), but I think the other person has to like you in order for it to be a "high school sweetheart"

30. Do you still talk to people from high school?
Not lately

31. Did you win prom queen or king?
Ha - What do y'all think!?!

32. Where did you work at in high school?
Best job ever - Field Trip Counselor at the Boys and Girls Club

33. what were your grades?
Not as good as one would think - I kind of missed that memo about being a nerd


Yesterday was a great day out at the Zoo. I went stir crazy the day before, so going out with Steph and the boys for the day was a great relief of stress. It was super hot, but the zoo does a pretty good job of providing shade for the people. It was also nice that they had misters randomly through the park.

Here are a bunch of random pictures that I took at the Zoo...

I think he has to grow just a little bit more...

Here we are on the train. It was a really fast moving train. It was pretty funny, but it was nice to cool off.

The giant egg, du du duhhhh.

I think every little kid likes playing with the big ball.

Jason got no nap yesterday, so he was exhausted when we went over to Matt and Mickie's.

Mickie dyed Suzanne and my hair last night. I think it looks good. It is nice that I have a sister willing to do my hair.

Jason felt a little left out when she was putting foil in our hair, so we put foil on him as well. HE was so funny. He loved it. What am I doing to my kid (make-up, hair, shoes, oh no!!) Maybe he hangs out with me a little to much.

Well at least he is learning how to play the guitar from his uncle Matt. That is pretty manly right?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Will's Entry: Where was I?

Well, it looks like it's up to me to hold up the blogging fort. Kristin should be having a fun time with Steph and the boys at the zoo. I like to see otters - just thought I'd mention that.

Warning: The rest of this is more for me than anything else. It may give some of you more insight into why I'm the way that I am.

Last weekend at the TNI party I ran into an old, old friend - Jerry Hughes! For the rest of this to be relevent, I'll have to give a little background. Growing up, there was probably 5 or 6 of us in my grade. I was always the youngest and smallest by far. Yes, I was picked on, though I didn't really mind. (My scoutmasters would always ask why I'd volunteer and let them tie me up. For Bryan Regan fans: It was kind of like "backseat on the hump". If it was going to happen anyway, one might as well go along with it.)

Well, high school hit and things changed - not for the better. A lot of the group went wayward as far as church, drugs, and such were concerned. That's basically why I can't say that I had many Member friends in high school.

If there were anyone I would want to see from my growing-up days it would have been Jerry. He was always the de-facto leader of our grade and the cool one. He didn't get mixed up with bad stuff as he was more distracted with Volleyball and other sports. I always found it odd that the only 2 from our group to "make it" were the little nerd (me) and Jerry.

Running into him the other day only confirmed something that I've realized the last couple years. I'm lucky to be who I am! It's the weirdest thing for me to be thinking that. I grew up thinking "I wish I was a little bit taller - I wish I was a baller - I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her". I wanted to be anyone besides me. (Sad but true: I actually analyzed what a nerd does so I could stop being so nerdy. Kind of an oxymoron or something like that & YES, I still have latent nerdy tendencies - but I've learned to live with them)

Now I have a Bee-UUU-tiful wife, I have my health (very few people I used to know are as physically fit as the old days), heck I'm just glad that I'm still holding my own playing basketball and not sitting out with bad knees, back, and such. I love my life and am finally very appreciative of it.

On a lighter note, we exchanged numbers and hopefully we'll have dinner sometime. He has 2 kids with one around Jason's age. I think it would be fun for us. Hopefully our wives (did I mention how cute Kristin is?) will understand and we won't talk too much about the old days.


They even match his outfit...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


If you look close enough you can see that I picked up all of our All sports passes yesterday!! I am so excited to start going to the BYU games. It should be fun. Now don't look to close at me. I just woke up 15 min before, had time to throw on some clothes, and then when I went down stairs Will had already started driving out of the drive way. He didn't say good bye, give me a kiss, or any thing. I was really frazzled. As I walked to the door and opened it he was already running inside to give me a kiss. How sweet. That would have been weird if he just left. So not the usual routine.

Last night I went to a class on feeding a crowd. It was really interesting some of the tips that she gave us. This lady has 12 kids and now that they are mostly grown up they have over the in-laws. Every Sunday she cooks dinner for over 30 people. Holy cow that is a lot of people, and that is just some of the people that show. The recipes that she made were taco soup (I usually don't like stuff like that, but it turned out really good. I am thinking that it is the pregnancy.), an apricot drink with pineapple sherbet in it (very good, and yes I blame the pregnancy again.), and the last thing was chicken salad from cafe rio. I loved all the recipes. I probably will post them later when I feel like it.

Travis came over and did laundry last night. We hung out while Will played basketball. I am glad that he has a sport that he can play every week to entertain him. It is nice to have something in the week to look forward to. I think that's why I enjoy going to my classes so much. I can get out of the house and away from Jason for a while.

Oh and I almost forgot, yesterday Steph, the boys, and I went to see Surf's Up. It was during Jason's nap, so I was not able to watch it all, but what I did see was cute. I ended up standing in the very back for most of the movie holding a fussy Jason. I think that he would have liked the movie a lot more if he was not so tired. I think we will try and watch it again another day.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fat Lip

On Sunday I forgot to mention, that we took Jason into nursery and when we picked him up he had a fat lip. I didn't notice it till we were gone. I wonder what happened. Will and I like to think that the other kid (if there even was another kid, ok he probably fell) got a black eye from it. We are such dorks.

So here are pictures of Mickie on the slide from the park on Sunday. How do you angle your neck at that position. It was a weird position.
Doesn't she look like my mom in this one a little?
Last night Will and I chilled at home. I was trying to catch up on the magazines that I have not read (which is a ton). I came across this and was thoroughly disgusted. "The miraculous moment when my body became my daughter's gateway to the world..." Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen a birth or given birth. That is nasty. It is not a very pleasant experience, but it has a good out come.

Monday, August 27, 2007

They like us...

Will and I hosted a church class party on Friday night. It turned out so well. We only had one girl not show up. They all get along really well together. I don't know why I attempted to plan games for the party, they have enough ideas and energy to entertain themselves.

We ended up playing Mafia, my birds a pretty bird (Teens and spray bottles are not the best idea. I think that we all got a little wetter then expected. They really got a kick out of spraying me in the face though.), disc golfing, and with Jason's toys. Who knew that, that silly ball popper would entertain teens as well.

One of the girls ankles started to bleed and she got it all over the couch. Thank goodness for microfiber. I just wiped it all up real fast, and we were on to more games.

I knew that we would not be able to handle them for to much time, so I told them that it was going to be and hour and a half. It was pretty cool seeing the kids how they normally act and not have to quiet them down at church all the time. I am the "Hey quiet down" person and I thought they didn't like us. I was wrong. On Friday night at 11:53 we were ding-dong-ditched. I heard a "Run guys" and knew exactly who's voice it was and he was from our class. Wahoo. they like us. Watch now they give us different callings once we are starting to feel comfortable in this calling.

Super Saturday

Don't worry I have to post a few times. This was one busy weekend. Lets see... It was then Super Saturday. I really wasn't very nervous, and I think that it turned out just fine. I told them a few things to help prep the cake and then they all came around me and watched as I showed them how to do a few things. There were about 20 women that showed up and I think it went fine. I did forget a lot of things at home though (royal frosting, flower nail, cake leveler, etc). Oh well. They lived.

I do have to say, I am not that talented at decorating cakes, but I do have some skill. After watching the women in the ward try to make a few simple flowers it was obvious that I actually know more then I think. It was a great little booster.

The frosting that I made 15 min before was not the right consistency, so things didn't look as nice as they should have, but I think they go the gist of things. Everyone did have fun trying out the things that I taught them. I brought an extra 2 tips of each so there were 15 bags for them to play with.

I then made a marshmallow gun. Ok those a fun little toys. I think we are going to have to have a big marshmallow fight at thanksgiving.

Will is the winner

It was then go go go, for the rest of the day on Saturday. Disc golfing and then Will's work party. I always enjoy going to Will's work parties. They always do a pretty good job at entertainment for the parents and kids.

The food was really good (steak, hot dogs, and hamburgers). They also had a bunch of carnival food set up like nachos, cotton candy, shaved ice, creeps, etc. We ate a ton (well at least I ate a ton).

They did characters again this year. I love having them done. It is kinda fun, but weird for someone to be looking at you for that long. Kinda a weird feeling. Here is last years...

This is this years... Will likes this years better, but I like lasts. Jason would not hold still, so I gave him my glasses. He wouldn't take them off, so he is wearing glasses in the picture.

They had a bunch of the blow up slides and obstacles courses for the kids to play on. Jason had a blast with them. Especially with the slides. He would get done, grab Will's hand, and bring him to the stairs again.

They were pretty steep slides, but he wanted to go all by himself. Once he tumbled down the slide, got up, and started smiling. Both Will and I thought that he was done with that one, but he grabbed his had yet again.

The older kids wanted to race through the courses, so both Will and Jason got ran over a few times, but still enjoyed them.

Noni also does drawings at the parties and Will won. Ok the prize didn't quite fit his personality, but it sure fits my dad's. He won $150 gift certificate to Cabellas. I am excited that he even won. Wahoo!!!


Last post but not least, we went mini-golfing with the Spences, Griffees, Suzanne, Steph, Rachel, and Theresa(cousins). We all had a great time playing. Yes the pictures are dark, I was to lazy to walk up closer so the flash would actually work. Oh well you can live with these pictures.

I could not believe that Steph after not playing for years got 3 holes in one in a row and then a few holes later got another. Are you kidding me 4 hole in ones. We all got at least one hole in one, except for Matt and Mickie. What was that about. I guess they were just not as good as the rest of us Saturday night.

Surprisingly I was the winner of mini-golfing. Yes you heard that right. I usually come in last place with Mickie, but out of all 10 of us I was the big fat winner. Wahoo. Slow and steady wins the race!!

Everyone hit a bunch of balls at the driving range before hand. I think it will be a long while before any of them play in the PGA.

Sunday the Spences and Suzanne invited us over for dinner. It was really good. We then went for a walk to a playground that was quite odd. The slides I swear were put together wrong. They really hurt as you went down them. I think they mixed up a few of the pieces. Well the nice thing about the walk was that Jason found a pretty cool ball at the park.

I then found a way around Suzanne and Mickies no ice cream, cake, and cookies rule (just until Jordan's wedding). I said we should make creeps. Oh yumm. I should make them more often. Sooo goooood!

Ok you have made it through the many posts of the weekend. Congrats.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Little sponge

I guess he just wants to be like his parents. He likes to watch me put on make-up and gets really upset when I don't give him brushes to put it on himself.

He still does Will's whole morning routine including sniffing his nose spray.

He also likes to wear Will's shoes. He thinks it is so much fun. Ok I do have to admit that he has put on my heals before and he is not very good at walking in those. He does have a huge fascination with them though.

I find out the results of the nasty test from yesterday, today at the doctors. Hopefully she won't make me take the second test.

Last night was another one of those byu classes. It wasn't as good as usual because the dvd got there almost a half an hour late, but on the bright side I won a book. I was so excited too. She read it to us in class and I really enjoyed it. It is a way way long story though. I brought the other book home and enjoyed that book too. Will on the other hand didn't understand it. I had to explain the kids book to him. Hahaha.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Ok I wish I got a video of Kailey running Jason over on the couch, but alas this will have to do. They both piled all the pillows on the ground and jumped off the couch. It was pretty funny to watch them.

What a slide

Last night we went to a playground a few miles away from our house, and found that it was a huge one. I have never really noticed it before. I think we will continue to go to it. They had the tallest slide. It was one of those twisty slides in a circle. It didn't just have one twist, it had two. Ok I really wish that I brought my camera. It was huge. Jason would not go on the slide by himself and he had to go up and down the stairs a few times to work himself up for going on it. Thankfully he dragged Will on the slide with him. It was a great playground.
They also had another slide that shots you out. It was just a normal kids slide, but it was pretty steep. I had to catch Jason from flying out the bottom. I bet Will wished that I had caught him too. He went down the slide and fell on his tush. I had a pretty good laugh.

Today is the dreaded glucose test for me. I have been procrastinating long enough. It is a test to see if you have gestational diabetes. Last time I got a false positive and ended up having to take the 3 hour test. It is just not my favorite thing in the world to do. The protein breakfast that I just had to eat is sitting in my stomach like a rock.

And in another hour I have to drink the nasty glaucoma drink, which I have 8 min to drink it all. Ok it is 10 oz of this super sweet drink that tastes like a flat orange soda. Yes they actually add a little carbonation to it, as if that is going to make it taste any better. I guess the first test is better then the second one. The 3 hour test, tastes like a flat cola, so I guess it could be worse. I am praying that I pass this test and don't have to take the second test. My fingers are crossed.
PS It is worse then I remember. Nasty after taste.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Nothing much

I did nothing really note worthy yesterday except make the hand outs for super Saturday. Yes I am in charge of a basic cake decorating class. I think it should be really interesting.

There were quite a few people who signed up for it (19). It is nice that I have everything ready to go to "teach" the class. More like I am just going to show them how to do things, give them a hand out how to do it, and then have bags of frosting ready if they so choose to practice. I think it would be way to hard to make frosting for that many people, and to try and fill bags of frosting when they get there. Oh well. I hope it goes well...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I was randomly taking pictures of Jason like this.

Yeah he doesn't look terribly happy, and then all of a sudden he tried to eat the camera while I was in the middle of taking the picture. Kinda of scary huuu?

We stopped over at the Maxwells last night to say Hi to Steph and the boys. It sounds like everything is going well. It was nice just to be able to get out and hang out with some other adults besides Will.

I do how ever think that Jason is allergic to dogs. After playing with Marley, Daisey, and Max he has had a stuffy nose since. We will have to test the theory and have him play with the dogs again.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Whirl Wind

It was a whirl wind of activities and people this weekend. Troy and Tracie were here for a wedding, so we went to dinner with them on Friday night at Red Robin.

As we were waiting Jason and Will decided to play a video game. I guess there was already a quarter in the machine. Jason had a blast spinning the wheel.

We were also able to see them Saturday afternoon in between the weddings. Mickie and Suzanne were over making apple pie filling with me, so she joined in on the fun.

Saturday morning Matt, Mickie, and Suzanne came over for the day. We made the most delicious syrup recipe. I absolutely loved it. It is a knock off of Maglebee's fresh syrup. It was a little to sweet for Suzanne.

Vanilla Syrup

1 cube butter
1 C sugar
1 C buttermilk
1 T vanilla
1 T corn syrup
½ t baking soda
Bring first five ingredients to a boil for 3 min .Add baking soda. Boil 10 seconds and remove from heat immediately to avoid boil over.

The guys then went disc golfing for 2 rounds, while the girls hung out and made apple pie filling. We then went out for dinner and played mini- golf. Matt was on a roll, he got 3 hole in ones, but he still didn't win. Will and Suzanne both got hole in ones as well, but in the end Will pulled in front and took the win. Next was watching Wild Hogs, I was surprised that I laughed quite a few times. It does have some crude humor to it though.

Sunday we hung out with Edward and Joanna. Jason liked playing with Edward throwing the balls up the stairs.

A little grandparent time.

Jason enjoyed all the attention when he was eating. Boy everyone worries about how much he eats.