It was tough for them to separate all the women this year because last year 200 showed up and this year 400 came. So when it came to the football class they did it as a group. I learned a little, but my mom and others who know the sport learned absolutely nothing. Ehh hopefully next year they will be able to figure a better way of doing the classes.

The drills were fun again this year. It was harder for me to do them, but I still ran with all the other girls. Britany also did great running the drills. I think she is going to be a little soar today though. It was fun to see her hop with that belly of hers.
Ok this will probably embarrass Britany, but I have to put it on the blog. It was just so funny. I made quasadillas for everyone at lunch (ok put the stuff out and made some meat for them to make them). Will wanted to eat Matiki's leftovers, so I made him some rice. He finished his lunch and put his plate on the counter. We all didn't think anything of it because we all knew it was his old plate.
Britany woke up from her nap and started to make her lunch. She knew I cooked up some meat, so she started taking the bones off of Wills old plate and putting them on her tortilla. She then put the extra rice on it as well. She just thought that I had really burned the meat and that is why it was so hard. When Will noticed what she was doing we all died laughing, poor girl. I can't believe that she was that polite, that she was going to eat Wills bones. HAHA.
On a good note, my mom found out this week that one of her teeth died and it was killing another tooth. Ok really that is not good news, but in Medford it would have taken her 3 weeks to get the 2 root canals done. She has to go to a specialist because they are so bad. So we did a little calling around and now she is getting them done here right now, and it is even going to be 300 bucks cheaper.
Here is an explanation of the War dance they do before the games.
Here is Mickie's question to the players.
It was fun to see parts of the stadium that I've never seen.
It was a little embarrassing they all remebered who I was.
And Britany was hilarious!!! Just thinking about the bones on her plate makes me laugh again!
Good question Mick, but he didn't really answer your question.
Hopefully this will be another GREAT year!
Suzanne, I think Mickie (shame on her) is trying to steal your man. She's obviously trying to "show a little leg".
Sorry Mickie, but seriously what were you doing?
It looks like you guys had fun! :)
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