Yesterday was the Cougar Kick off. Matt was able to get some cleats from last year for really cheap and we also got shirts that said fully invested. I like the look of them.

They did get me my favorite players signature from last year. I was so excited, Mickel signed my shirt!! Suzanne also was pretty excited that one of the players drew secret play number 62 on her shirt (or was it 65?). Anyways Mickie got him to sign his name with 3 colors and he was bragging to another player. Suzanne piped up and said "I wasn't that cool, you didn't do that for me." So she asked him to circle his name to make it cooler, but instead he drew the play. It was pretty funny. Yes I know that was a very long story, sorry.
Here is Jason saying what.
Jason is soo cute-I love "WHAT"! Sounds like you guys had a good time getting signatures. :)
So where was the thumb's up girl in the picture?
Secret play? Cool!
Did he learn the "What" from Zan?
Just so you know... I did a little research and it was Tom Sorenson on the O-line (top recruit out of Utah in 2003) that drew the play on my shirt and yes it was 62.
Suzanne I think he is going to be my new favorite player. He was a cool guy.
He is getting big! I'm glad you all had a great time! I am jealous that you and your sisters get to hang out so much! We all live to far away Maxwell girls!
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