Once Bobbie and Jeremy came over Jason was a peach. It is interesting to see what company does to him. We had a great night of Killer Bunnies. It has been over a year and a half since Will and I had played the game, so Bobbie cracked out the rule book a few times. Poor Bobbie keep making her self the target by getting massive amounts of bunnies. She also had most of the carrot cards. Now if you have never played the game you win by luck in the end. You collect carrot cards and then you draw another stack and see what card is the winner. So it came down to Will having 2 carrots, I had 2, and Bobbie had 16. Out of those 16 cards you would have thought that one was the winner, but no Will stole the victory out from under her nose. It was pretty funny. Next time we are going to teach them how to play Settlers of Catan.
Jason is also turning into me. He took a tissue from the box, wiped the floor a few times, and throw it away (he randomly wiped the floor). I just about died. I think that he has been watching me a little to close. You've got to love kids mimicking you.
Hummm...Jason doesn't look too happy, does he? ;)
Glad to hear he was a Peach for Bob and Jer, How about ticket to ride next time we come?
Hey, Hey, Hey, did you check to see if he had an ear infection with that nifty new gadget I bougt you??? ;)
Nope, wasn't an ear infection, but I should have checked just in case...
Too funny...I remember when Ty was scared of the rain... :)
He was so cute from the minute we walked in. We really had a blast, thanks again guys!
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