Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jason's whimpering?

I knew I forgot to write something. Will came home from playing basketball and well he wheezeing. I went to go check on Jason because I thought he was whimpering. But low and behold it was just Will.

Also I finally had the hiccups and was able to get rid of them. I was watching untold stories of the ER and some lady came in because she had the hiccups for 11 days in a row. They tried everything to get rid of them. Finally the doctor put 2 fingers above both her eyebrows and held it there with a little pressure for about 20 seconds and they suddenly stopped. It was the weirdest thing, but it totally worked on me. I have also tried it on Jason and succeeded 3 out of 5 times. He is a lot harder to hold still. He thinks I am nuts when I do it to him.


Holly said...

I don't think Will liked that camera in his face while he was trying to breath. Too funny...

Anonymous said...

How Bizarre!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jason. I think you're nuts!

Kelly Spence said...

I saw that episode about the hicups. I thought it was funny how they sedated her and she kept going. I tried and it didn't work though. Maybe I am doing it in the wrong spot. Glad it works for you.

tracie said...

You're an old man, Will!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO trying that next time I get them!