Friday, February 02, 2007

Women's Day Article

I receive Women's Day magazine and Will often reads it while he eats lunch. One artilce he did not like in the last publication. The article was on mothers being hot. This lady was against being a "hot mom." She felt that we should not have to live up to the medias standards and so on.

Will was so against this article that he found her comment thing on the internet and wrote his comment. She then responded to Will.

Will says...-->
I thought a little husband-perspective would be nice. I understand the arguments against trying to be "hot" and such. (Good luck trying to appeal to the opposite sex without any regards to looks) On the other hand, if a woman uses her "hotness" to attract the man, then I would say that it is something that the fellow values. To forgo any effort in that department after the relationship has continued may leave the husband feeling deceived. Nobody likes a bait-and-switch!

Paula says...-->
Great point, Will--but that line of thinking assumes that the only alternative to "hotness" is "schlumpy fat-housedress let yourself go." Decades of mothers--too busy with kids for weekly highlighting sessions, a little soft in the middle from the work of carrying and bearing YOUR children--still managed to be attractive without having to look like 20-year-old Hooters waitresses.
I'd argue it's a maturity thing on the part of the dad if he didn't expect a little evolution in the woman he married and procreated with. (Interesting there are no "hot dad handbooks" or hot-dad expectations...)

Will says...-->
Paula, I believe that we can agree that the desired "hotness" lies somewhere between 20 yr old Hooters waitress and "schlumpy fat-housedress" as you so eloquently described. My only complaint with the written article was that it never mentioned anything in-between. It only trivialized the media's definition (which can definitely be out of the question). It left me feeling that you were completely making light the idea of "hot" when it simply needs to be re-defined. Both members of the relationship should work together to achieve a level of hot-ness that is realistic and achievable.

Paula says...-->
In these linguistically hypersensitive times (see: Biden, Gray's Anatomy, etc.) maybe it's the word "hot" itself that's conjures up such diverse interpretations...!
For the record I am all for taking care of ourselves. But thank goodness low-rise jeans are going back "out." !


Holly said...

Okay, I can't say that I am 'Hot', but I can say that I try and take care of myself! Will, you are too funny! :-)

Anonymous said...

I guess what drove me nuts was she spent her whole time bashing her idea of "hot", which was the Sex in the City mentality. To me, being hot doesn't mean one has to be consumed with superficiality and acting with the edge of promiscuity. Anyway, you can read what I believe "hot" should be.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Will! Let your vioce be heard!

Anonymous said...

I realized I'd let myself go thanks to this job when Jeremy came home the other day and said.

"Wow, jeans two days in a row. WAHOO!"

How sad. I'm positively not Hot. Then again I was never what the world would call Hot anyway.

Will I LOVED your comments. I agree the media needs to change (but won't. Thank goodness for Ugly Betty) But you can still be attractive to your spouse and not be perfect. Look at me. Maybe Jeremy's blind.... hmmmmm...

Anonymous said...

oh and by the way will...


I totally spaced tagging you and Jer... So i fixed that!

Anonymous said...

the funny thing is that Will's comments are the only ones responded to! Maybe Paula is anti-man...