Yes last night I delivered HD and Britany's twins on the water bed. I used a shoelace to tie off the cord and I got them all cleaned up. I was however concerned that I did not suction the second baby as fast as I needed to and that the baby might have a little brain damage. I think the baby is alright though. Britany then proceeded to get mad at me because I told her that her twins should be on a feeding schedule. I miss the days where I didn't dream so much and so realistic.
I also, for the last 5 of so weeks, get up at 2 am to go to the bathroom. It drives me nuts. I will go at 11 and then 2 and then I wake up and don't have to use the bathroom till 10. What is that. I have no clue. It is driving me nut. I drink before bed, I don't drink before bed, it makes no difference. Ehh I will chalk both up to the hormones. Sorry it probably is to much information but whatever.
I also, for the last 5 of so weeks, get up at 2 am to go to the bathroom. It drives me nuts. I will go at 11 and then 2 and then I wake up and don't have to use the bathroom till 10. What is that. I have no clue. It is driving me nut. I drink before bed, I don't drink before bed, it makes no difference. Ehh I will chalk both up to the hormones. Sorry it probably is to much information but whatever.
Wow! Have you informed Britany the doctor missed a little one in the ultrasound? And for that matter, you were the Doctor??? Yikes! What a dream, I really don't remember dreaming that much. But I do remember doing the night time thing ALL the time!!
I remember the dreams and the bathroom trips. I unfortunately was never able to successfully deliver twins. HD and Britany are luck to have you:)
You need to ask Aunt Cary about the dream I had when I was pregnant with Connor. Poor thing was stuck in a car for 6 hours (while we drove to your Mom's house) hearing all about how rigor mortis hadn't set in... Delivering twins is up there! ;)
ok so I read that blog thinking that was true! You really had me going! Sorry I'm a little blonder than most!
Ok, Jeremy and I were laughing so hard I almost sprouted a tear or two. I love that we are going through this together.
At least your not dreaming about Quintuplets, and then twins (oops, with two more hiding... so still quints)
Oh and I remember Holly's Rigor Mortis dream!!
I wonder if your dream involve real action. Did you use Will as props?
Who was in the picture? Was it Jason?
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