Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Graham crackers any one?

Again a quiet kid is never a good kid. Will and I were playing a game of set and found Jason squatting in the corner eating crackers. He was happy that we let him eat the rest of the cracker. It is always interesting to me that kids always go to the corner to do something they know they shouldn't.

Another thing Will and I are trying to do is switch Jason off of the bottle. So far he will not drink regular milk out of the sippy cup, but he will drink flavored milk. We will start adding less and less of the flavor in and hopefully he will eventually drink milk from a cup. He loves the bottle. I think it comforts him.


Anonymous said...

That's funny how they are quiet and hide. I wonder how he'll act when he's older...the sercret little manipulator? Regardless, he's still adorable.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kay. Jason is just too cute for anyone to get upset at him for long. Anyway, it was just grahmn crackers.

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

We are having the same problem with Brighton. He will drink from a cup, but he likes to carry them around and take his time. I don't mind if he does that with water or juice, but I think it's gross with milk, plus he needs that milk in his belly:) Actually, I don't mind if he does that with water, I don't wanting him to be nursing a juice cup all day because I know too many people who have had to get work done to their toddler's teeth because of that!

Holly said...

I remember Connor hiding when he was younger, but Ty just didn't care if he got caught! ;-)

Anonymous said...

That's a great picture. Daisy hides when she's doing something bad too. Little dog gets under the bed our couch!