Thursday, April 05, 2007

Mad noises

When I am annoyed with Jason I grunt. He has started to pick up on that.

Yesterday was a usual day. I did however do our taxes and sweep/mop so that we could spray the kitchen for ants. The taxes are going to cover Guatemala, and I have not seen any ants in the house today. Hurray!

The last thing, I didn't remember how many vivid dreams you have when you are pregnant until last night and the night before. Man it is a good thing that I think about good things and people before bed. I watched a CSI before bed and the dream scared me to death!


Anonymous said...

Yep...whether he's grunting or hiding with a graham cracker, he's going to be a tough one to get frustated with.

Holly said...

He is so cute with his grunting! I am glad the ants are gone. :)

Anonymous said... took the second time watching that to realize you do just what Grandma Coombs did with us when we were little, she give a little grrr and then walk awaay! Kinda funny!

Mickie and Matt said...

WHAT THE HECK!!! Bobbie... You... Trish... EVERYBODY is pregnant! I say we have a big baby shower... dang dude.