Well I don't have much time to write today. I am watching Parker and Brighton. I think so far everyone has been having fun. We are trying to think up different things to do so that we won't get to bored today.

Do you see how many avocados there are... Will would be in heaven!

We are standing directly on our shadows. How cool is that!

Colton and Matt really liked the wording on the sign before we did the canopy tour.

Every one thought that Matt was Jason's dad. I hope he didn't mind.

My mom put Jason on this black hot stone to take a picture. We had no clue it was that hot. Once Jason put his hands and legs down he started to cry.

Here is a nice picture next to the hot rock!
Yep...that was thousands of Avacados.
It was amazing to stand right on top of your shadow, but the hike to get there...UGH!
It was sure a pretty place to take a picture though...too bad they had to put that black tortilla rolling rock right there to decieve you.
Looks it was fun...
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