This weekend went pretty well. We gave the electric lawn mower grandma and grandpa Coombs gave to us to Katy, off of their wish list and we bought a gas one. Poor Will never mowed with a gas one before and well he learn a few lessons the hard way.

He came in at one point and said I wish we still had the electric. That was not a good sign. I think now that Matt helped him things will go better next time. Will had touched the moter and burned his fingers pretty bad. They don't hurt him any more, but now he knows not to touch the hot part.

After he burned his fingers, Matt said I am just going to do it and mowed the front and back for us. We really appreciated that.
There was a lot of disc golfing on Saturday and Sunday was an ok day. It was pretty hard because Jason cried all morning for no reason and we had a "review" day in primary. That is so hard to not have a lesson with the group of kids that we have. We ended up decorating cookies for our moms and played some word games. It was an interesting day. After we all took naps things turned out a lot better.
WHAT!!! NO MENTION OF ME!?? I totally picked weeds with Jason too! I am offended! Not even a mention! Mom is right you do like taking more pictures of Matt than me,.... I see how it is your own sister traded for an in-law...
The yard looks great! Thanks for all the help weeding, Mickie and Jason. Matt and Will did a good job too. Sorry about the burn, glad it's feeling better.
Dad and I had a long day of yard work last Saturday too! Grass, weeds, and a bllion flowers later, it all looks marvelous!
I hate mowing the yard...I am the weeder in our family. Quite frankly, I'd rather not do any...Eric rocks at that kind of stuff. :)
Now that the grass is not so long it'll be easier to mow next time ;-) Lucky us, we don't have to worry abut it yet, then again we have to outdoor privacy either.
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