Yes we found out that pretty much everyone who went to Guatemala got Shigella. My dad and Colton were tested and found positive for it. The doctor in Oregon told us all to get on the medicine asap because it is highly contagious. The good/bad thing about me is that I have a mild case (thank goodness), but I can't take any medicine because I am pregnant. So I have to let it run its course and pray it doesn't come back. What can you do?

Poor Matt told his boss and they told him not to go to work until he is treated for it. No one wants to get it. So he has the next few days of work off. I wonder how long it takes for him to go crazy...

Will is so nervous about catching it. I think he will be fine. We have a lot better hygiene here then in Guatemala. And now we know the symptoms and what he needs to be tested for, just in case. Will thinks that the name should be changed from shigella to adding a T in between the I and G.
Matt and Mickie's last day in Guatemala was spent sleeping because Mickie was sick...
I forgot to mention. Jason's first doctor would not give him medicine. So we took him in to another doctor and she said with that many cases of it we are just giving him the medicine.
OHHH, I am sooo sorry! That stinks!
Good use of pics Kristin! Besides this blog entry, I don't know what else they would have been good for.
Yep...apparently Shigella is pretty bad stuff. Atleast that's what the County Health department nurse said when she called to talk to me about it.
Oh gross! You poor people...I hope you all feel better.
got to love doctors and their many opinions
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