Friday, June 01, 2007


Last night was pretty boring except that we bought a punch pass to the Seara pool. I think that it is going to be a fun summer. I hope to go to the pool with Jason at least once a week. I think it will give us something fun to look forward to each week.

This morning Will woke Jason and I up, so that we could take him to work. This morning they are eating breakfast and disc golfing. They are getting paid to do this. How fun.

Well both Jason and I woke up pretty grumpy so we went to McDonald's for breakfast. We went and played in the play structure. That was the grosses thing int he world. The tubes were sticky and they had stains in them. It was just a nasty experience all together. Well as soon as we got to the top Jason went down the slide on his back and ended up turning head first. He really didn't like that to much. Hopefully we won't have to do that again for a while.


Anonymous said...

What a great day, getting paid to play! Yahoo!

Those play structure are always pretty dirty. And were you crawling around in them too?

Hope the rest of the day is happy?

Trish Griffee said...

Ug! Yucky I hate those toys. Michael's mom let KK play in them until one day when someone elses child peed on her. I was not happy.

Holly said...

The toy structures can be pretty dirty...I always have baby wipes and hand sanitizer on me so that the kids can all be wiped down after. :) Hope Will had a fun day at work! ;)

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

Parks (and Bright) have only been on those twice and that was with a friend of ours. I also do the wipe down afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Those things just seem like a breeding ground for bacteria and ickyness to me.