Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Uh oh

My computer crashed looking at Jeremy's blog (thanks Jeremy), so now I have to write it all over. Bummer. So it will be a faster version.

Our activity yesterday was play dough and making mini pizzas. Both activities were a hit. We read a book about a boy who tricked people in to eating play dough cookies. So naturally we made play dough. We played with the play dough for over an hour and 15 min from start to finish.

We did go disc golfing (Frisbee + golf = frolf) with Matt and Mickie. Dinner was a fajitas at Mickie's work, and then we watched a little of Mickie play softball.

Jason enjoyed frolfing.

Mickie is batting, but in this picture she missed the ball. If you look closely you can see the ball under the catchers foot. (I love sisterly rights to tease) She has a picture where she actually hit the ball on her blog. She did pretty well for not having any of her own clothes and mitt. Yeah the funny part of the night was Mickie calling ME up and asked if I could bring her some of MY work out clothes. HAHA me? If I do work out I am in my PJ's in my living room. I did manage to scrounge up something for her.

Jason has driven me nuts with this. I guess I say it a lot.

Jason Learned how to say Matt's name. Matt was pretty excited about it.


Holly said...

It sounds like you are having fun planning neat things to do with the kids. Isn't it fun? Jason is getting so big...he is talking so well. Now he needs to work on saying Aunt Holly. ;)

Trish Griffee said...

I can't look at the video because I'nm at work but I love that you take picture of Kailye at your house. She loves the play-do by the way.

Anonymous said...

Hey...what's this? He can say Grandpa, Uh-oh, Matt...what about grandma, oh well, maybe someday...

And were those my old light blue sweats I gave you? Now that's funny!

Kelly Spence said...

How precious. Can't wait til Tanner can talk.