Saturday, August 11, 2007

One Year

I know I usually don't blog on the weekends, but I thought that I would just tell everyone that it is my blogging anniversery today. It has been a pretty quick year (Jason really helps me pass the time, man they really do grow up fast).

Ok I am just joking I missed it. I was so set that it was the 11, but I really started on the 9th. Well now we all know.
Here is one of the first pictures I posted. He couldn't even crawl yet. What a happy stationary boy that doesn't get into mischief.


Anonymous said...

sounds like you miss those non crawling days! :-) Congrats on your one year mark.

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

Yep,once they start moving life is never the same. Although mine were both happier once they started moving, that I guess it was a good trade off.

Holly said...

Wow! It has been fun reading about your family. Thanks for sharing... :)