Thursday, August 16, 2007

Will's Entry: Not Forgotten

It seems my lovely wife has forgotten a story that she was very eager to share with me.
Yesterday Jason was drinking his sippy cup of milk. He dropped it and got some droplets on the floor. Kristin watched as he went to the tissue box, grabbed one - proceeded to blot the floor and then to top it off, went to the trash can, opened the lid and threw it away.
That's all!


Anonymous said...

How cute is that. Yeah! well trained by you both. He is such a good boy. Dad and I just miss him to pieces!

Kristin said...

That was pretty cute...

Mickie and Matt said...

"Blot" you are funny Will That little Jason is a peach sometimes

Will said...

Yes, I'm weird. "Blot" and "Droplets" were definitely included simply because they're words that are rarely used.

Holly said...

He is his mother's boy...isn't he?!?! :)

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Maybe he'll be able to clean a bathroom soon. I've almost lost all my free child labor.

He is pretty cute, huh? He'll be a big help with Sierra.