- It finally happened and I am now fully sick. It was only a matter of time before what Jason had caught up with me.
- The BYU class yesterday was pretty good. I learned a lot about how little minds work.
- I won a book. Wahoo!
- I have been pretty impressed with myself and making dinners this week. I planned a head and cooked extra chicken. It has been nice not having to cook meat each dinner and knowing exactly what I am going to make for dinner. The worst part about making dinner is deciding what to make.
- I am going to go watch a movie and lie down.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bullet Points
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Oh and Paul and Mieka had their baby yesterday. It is weird to think they are parents now. I guess it is weird to think any one is a parent with in one day. Well congrats to them!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Locks and shopping

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Toys and Boys

Monday, September 24, 2007
Tons o' fun
Mickie took the pictures this weekend. It was so weird. I didn't even have my camera out. Thanks for the pics Mickie. Plus she has a cute video of Jason saying cougar's on her blog.
Friday was a day for the doctors. I had my appointment and Jason had his. I am a text book pregnancy, and things look great. I am very excited to say that Jason is finally back to his normal self!! He still has a little cough, but it is nothing to what he had. Hurray!!!
Saturday was disc golfing in the morning for the guys. They are practicing at Art Dye park for their tournament in October. It sounds like they will do pretty well. They still need to practice a few more times though.
The afternoon was the BYU game, which we won. Hurray for us. It was pretty good weather till the end, then it started to really rain. Suzanne was the only one with out rain gear, so Will and I shared our ponchos with her. Luckily our ponchos opened up on the side.
I am the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of the rain, so at the first sign of it, I had my poncho on. Everyone laughed at me. They say that I look like my dad. What do you think? HAHA
After the BYU game we hung out at the Maxwells for Braxton's birthday party. We all had a pretty good time and the food was excellent (Matiki's).
Sunday morning I get a phone call from Mickie asking me what I was making for dinner. Humm I was going to make soup, but that quickly changed to ribs when she asked if they could come over. It was the only thing in my freezer, dang they lucked out. Mickie told Matt that if he studied hard for 2 hours then they could come play at our house. Haha, I think that is so funny that it is a treat to come over to our house.
It was a good dinner and the guys went to the field and threw some discs around. Will said that Nate (Suzanne's boyfriend (yes that is still weird to say)) is actually pretty good at throwing. We will see how he holds up on a real course though.
Sharon gave Jason a heavy duty winter coat. It is so nice and toasty warm. I am excited, but it is a little big. He will have to grow into it a little more.
PS I am going to a cooking class on Wednesday about breads, and a BYU class on Thursday. If any one is interested let me know or just show up. They start at 7 at Maceys.
Friday, September 21, 2007
When we took him in today I took his temp before we left and it said that he has a fever of 101. Not that big of a deal. When the nurse took it it was 103. Dang and last night he was so much hotter. I am actually going to have to invest in a good thermometer now. Dang I wonder how much that is going to run me.
The doctor also told me that Jason has had a "flaming" ear infection for the last 3 days. Dang. I had no clue. This kid is tougher then nails. He hasn't pulled at the ear at all. Heck we are such bad parents we took him to the park for the last 3 nights. He has been going stir crazy and gets so tired of laying down.
Well hopefully with this medicine that the doctor has now put him on, it will help things out a ton. I am not thrilled that I have to give it to him twice a day for 10 day though. That is a long time for me to remember to give him any thing. Oh well.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Short and Sweet
I went to a cooking class on secret recipes from restaurants. It was pretty good. She took for ever though. I didn't get out of the class till 8:30. She made cheesecake factories breshutta, Tuscan chicken from olive garden, and Blondie brownies from applebees. Next time she is doing soups, tomato basil from thanksgiving point. (Her daughter is a caterer there.) So excited it is Oct. 3rd.
One cool thing that I did learn was that olive garden is not stingy about keeping their recipes a secret. They give quite a few of the recipes out on their web site. They even have demo videos for you to watch. How cool is that. olivegarden.com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A little to tough

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Jelly Bellies

Monday, September 17, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007
No time
- I over scheduled my self today. I am so glad that I came home last night.
- The trip was good. You probably will hear more next week.
- I made lots of cookies and did a lot of dishes this week.
- Jason was a pretty good traveler. He had his fits, but for the most part he was good.
- Baylee is a cute little girl. Jason thought she was a pet. He was pretty funny about it.
- Now I have to unpack to pack again for this afternoon, and sew on some sleeve for the dresses Mickie and Suzanne are going to wear this weekend. Yikes. I hope I get everything done.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Will's Entry: She'll be comin' back from Rexburg when she comes . . .
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Will's Entry: Funny Stuff