This blog is dedicated to the Jelly Belly Factory.

Will and I drove in the night before to Reno and Stayed the night in a 4 star hotel. Yeah it was not a 4 star. I preferred the Marriott that we stayed in with my parents on Saturday night. Both the sinks and tub drained slow. It wasn't bad until I was taking a shower and the tub was filling up with others hairs in the water. I was pretty grossed out. Any ways...

We drove the rest of the way and picked up Jason, Matt, Mickie, Suzanne, Braden (Matt's brother), and Ryan (Matt's friend). By the way I did cry at the airport when we dropped Jason off with Matt and Mickie. It was only the second time that he has not stayed with us over night. I blame the pregnancy hormones on that one. 2 minutes later I was just fine with the situation.

We then headed to the Jelly Belly Factory. Matt had to pick up his tux, so while we were waiting we went and bought our belly flops (jelly beans that are to big, small, or stuck together). We did a lot of playing around too.

We ended up doing a lot of waiting... They got really lost so we did the tour with out them. None of us realized that both the cell phones were in our car, woops.

On the tour they make you wear hats (health code). It was pretty tough making Jason keep his on.

Colton is King Bacon in his Knights of Meatlumbis group. They eat a lot of meat on Mo' Meat Mondays. He is a strange kid. Here he is eating a bacon jelly belly. He said that it really tasted like he was eating bacon bits. I don't think I would like my jelly beans tasting like bacon.

Jason loved this car. He played while the rest of us ate our jelly bean shaped hamburgers and pizza.

The coolness of Jelly Bellies. A Jelly belly shaped burger sounds good right now. That's weird.
I wish I could have stayed for the tour, oh well.
I'm glad Zan gave them her cell for the rest of the trip.
Jelly Bean shaped hamburgers? Wish I'd seen that!
I should be running...love the pics. The Jelly Belly factory is always fun yo go to... :)
Good entry Kristin. Even had me amused and I was there!
"The Jelly Belly factory is always fun yo go to... :)"
What does that mean?
The thought of a bacon flavored jelly belly makes me want to puke:(
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