Labor day Matt, Mickie, Will, Jason, and I went
Frisbee golfing like usual and then we headed out for dinner at red robin. It was a pretty good day.

Where was Suzanne you ask? Well she was set up on a blind date with a co-workers brother (or something like that). She said that the date went pretty well. They went to a Bee's game and then out to Wendy's for dinner. She said she would hang out with him again. I was trying to be sneaky with the camera and take a picture of him, but I was to slow. So you get a picture of him threw the blinds. Hey at least he was smiling when he walked around the car.

This is Jason's new hiding spot. When he knows he should not have something, like dad's wallet, he hides here.

Here is a
picture of the huge slide that Jason likes to go on. I am
surprised that he goes on it all by himself. Look how tall this thing is.

He did have fun at the park last night, but there were some big kids playing tag there, so it was a little harder for him to get around. Jason and Will are going to hit up a different park tonight while I am in a cooking class on freezing meals.
Looks like you guys had fun mini-golfing. Zannie's date doesn't look half bad through the blinds.
Not to put the cart before the horse, but can you imagine the sunburn on their kids??? "Mom, why don't Jason and Sierra have to wear raincoats to the beach?"
Isn't it funny when they hide? They know they shouldn't be into what ever it is-stinky smart kiddos. Nice pic of the blind date-you make me giggle. :)
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