Yesterday was a pretty good day. I finally put to use the masterful skills that I have acquired as a kid of tent making. You know there is a lot of trial and error when you are a kid. I like to think that this tent was a master piece. Jason had a great time in it, until he keep pulling the blanket off the chairs.

He is such a little boy now. He is totally into "Cars" the movie and playing with cars. He is kinda funny. He lines them all up the same way, looks at them, and lines them up some where else. Funny kid.

Jason watched and did gymnastics on the counter as Will and I made some yummy chicken noodle soup. The high yesterday was 57. Yikes.

Last night we were able to help out Bobbie and Steph by watching the boys, so they could pack and move. It really was nice having the boys over. It gives Jason some one to play with besides me. He was so sick of me yesterday. (Poor Brighton got ambushed, so we took a picture.)

We were able to get out of the house for a little bit and take the boys to the park. Sorry Steph, Parker is at least buckled up, and the park is less the 2 miles away. There was no way we could get 3 car seats in there. Do you like that both the little ones have snotty noses. It was pretty cold outside.
Those are pretty snotty noses, alright!!
I don't know a kid who doesn't like tents. In fact, last summer I woke up to find Colton and a few friends had made a tent in the livingroom and slept in it that night!
My boys LOVE making tents! They take the entire family room and make a tent with 'rooms'...crazy! It looks like the boys had fun even with their snotty noses! ;) Our high was 60 yesterday and today it is supposed to reach a 'balmy' 59! :)
Don't worry about it, I do the same thing when there are two littler kids. He is almost big enough that before long he won't need one anyway. Thanks again for watching them! Parks has been bugging me all morning to go back to Jason's house!
The pictures are so cute! I didn't blow them up to view the snotty noses. I hope you'll understand!
Thanks again!
That last picture is great. I didn't notice anything until the close-up.
I loved making tents as a kid. Tracie, thanks for the heads up on the closeup, that snot is awesome!
When we (#5,6,7,8)were little, we pretended we went camping even though we had never been to one. We didn't set up tent; but we threw blankets together to make mountains for climbing. We always had fun. Now I have to zoom up to see the snotty noses.
Nice pictures! Those boys are all so cute!
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