Saturday morning started of pretty well. I got up to the sound of my alarm clock known as Jason. He is so reliable, he is up with in 15 min of 8 am. He did how ever sleep in for me on Monday. He sleep till 8:45. Yeah I know it was amazing!

I made breakfast for every one. I have to say I really like that vanilla syrup. I made a little extra so that I could have pancakes later. We pretty much just hung out until the opening BYU football game started. Oh no I was mistaken, my dad and his friends went to Cabela's. They got up early and headed over so that my dad could spend his Christmas/birthday/father's day gift (haha it was the $150 gift certificate that Will won at his work party). He was pretty excited to show us all what he got. He bought some rain gear. I guess he had been wanting some good rain gear for a while. Well at least he found last year model and bought it for a good 35% off the regular price. Way to find the sale dad.

I think we get our dorkyness from my dad. What do you think...
We had Travis watch Jason while we went to the football game. It is nice that we have family here that we can have watch Jason. It is so nice to be able to relax and watch the game with out worrying about kids. Our seats were the best we will get for the season. We were 5 rows up from the field. Pretty nice...

Touch down!!!

Dang, we missed the extra point.

Nice throw.

After words we all meet up for dinner at Tucanos. I love that place. Jason was pretty tired, so I spent most of dinner walking around with him so that he would not throw a fit. It was a good thing that I had already eaten dinner.

We then said bye to my parents and sent them off to Peru. It is still weird to think that they are there visiting my grandparets this weekend. I wonder if they were able to recover from the earthquake down there quickly.?.?

Anyways, we hung out with Colton for a while on Sunday and then he went home. So it was pretty boring after that. We did take a walk and picked some peaches off of some of our neighbors trees. Man, if we did not have so many trees in our back yard already, I would totally plant a peach tree. They were so good!
I like the last picture best! Uncle Matt is so much fun:) Wish we could have been at the game with you:) Maybe the next one. AND, I saw your Mom on Friday night.....the dorkiness could be from both parents:)
I am glad you had a good weekend. I love the pics of the football game. :)
I love the pictures, even if they are BYU. So my alarm clock is sneeky...how do I get her to come get me..oh that's right move. And I agree with Steph...the dorkiness is coming at you from all sides.
That second picture of your dad is AWESOME!
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