Wednesday, May 02, 2007

15 min

Time flies when you only have 15 min to use a paid computer. I have a bunch of funny storys too tell about monday, but I don't think that I am going to be able to write them all down right now. I sure am missing Will right now. Jason has been a little hard to hand the last few days, especially when he wakes up at 5:45 am and is ready for the day. It makes it hard on all of us. Today and yesterday we were in tikal and hiked up to the temples. It was so cool to be able to see some of the history behind guatemala. It also was fasinating that the stories co-insited with some book of mormon stories. Very interesting.

Jason was not doing well in the afternoon when we were hiking. I don't blame him he was hungry, tired, and it was 95 out. We all were sweating like pigs. We were not able to do the second hike, but we got a lot of rest. The interesting thing was that the power is only on from 9-9. We had to get everything done pretty quick at night. Ok my time is up. Hopefully I have more time later. I love you Will!


Holly said...

It sounds like you are having a good time even with the changes poor Jason has to deal with...

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy. Probably doesn't want to be held all day, but can't handle a huge hike. I'll bet he's happy when he gets to play on his own stairs and sleep in his crib.

Anonymous said...

I admire the fact that Kristin would take this trip with little Jason. But then Kristib would have a special story to tell Json in the future.

Anonymous said...

I admire the fact that Kristin would take this trip with little Jason. But then Kristib would have a special story to tell Json in the future.

Anonymous said...

You are making me feel really glad we went to Tikal on the day we did! Rained that morning then just warm and sticky but not hot all afternoon.