Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Teeth and Hair

Well pictures of Yellowstone and Idaho will have to wait. Will did get his teeth filled yesterday. They had an opening at 2:15. It is quite weird going to identical twin dentists. You really don't know who you are going to.

So I finally got tired of my hair and needed a change. Mickie's friend was cutting hair last night, so I took advantage of it. I think it turned out really well. I did the before and after pictures, you know the ones where there is no make-up, in bad lighting, frowning. Then in the next I am smiling, better lighting, with make-up. Ha I love those before after pictures.

The guys including Travis went out disc golfing. I think they had a fun time. Travis walked out of Sharon's house commenting that there was to much estrogen in that house. Talking about hair and baby names.
The Jasons played guitar hero with Mickie and Kenz.


Mickie and Matt said...

Look at that hair! Hooray! It looks great! Was that yesterday or today that you took that picture?

Holly said...

Cute hair cut. I love the before and after...too funny. :)

Trish Griffee said...

Holly Crap!!! You look awesome...not that it looked bad looks great.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny because if you look at Jason closely, he doesn't seem to be enjoying Guitar Hero very much.

Anonymous said...

Yay! It looks really can we convince you to only put it in a ponytail just once a week? OK, twice a week is my final offer!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Love the hair!

Huntsmans said...

The hair cut looks great!

Anonymous said...

you look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Hair... SO CUTE.

I wish I could not put mine up so much.... but there's TOO MUCH OF IT!!!! It's annoying to leave down.

Kelly Spence said...

Soo cute Kristin. I think I will cut mine this week sometime when I figure out what to do with it.