Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Locks and shopping

Last night I freaked my self out. I am really good about locking all of the doors. Well I got up at 5 to go to the bathroom and heard a noise. It must have been Jason moving. I went to look around the house and noticed that the door was unlocked. I about died of fright. I ended up waking Will up and we searched the house. Of course we found nothing, but I was still on edge. What ended up happening was that I thought the door was locked and went up to bed. I am going to have to be more careful in the future.
We went to buy Jason some winter clothes and pajamas last night. Dang, I should have looked last year at the sale stuff. Well I am already preparing ahead and have bought summer stuff for Sierra and Jason to wear. Buying full price can be costly. (Yeah the shirt is a 2T and is a little big. It was pretty easy for him to take it off.)
Jason has been loving all of his cars, so Will set up a ramp for him to play with. What cute boys I have.


Holly said...

I love the ironing board as a race track! How cute...

Holly said...

Oh and...I buy most of the boys clothes at TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross. Name brand (because they like it), but it doesn't break my bank. ;)

Trish Griffee said...

I can't bring myself to pay retail for anything. It's way too expensive. i like the ramp.

Anonymous said...

Love the face Jason's making in the first pic.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea, Will. Yoy get the gold satr for inginuity!

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

I bought the kids some cordoruoy pants today because after last Sunday I felt mean putting them in shorts for church:) I really am not looking forward to how much I will need to get them to be ready for this winter!

Anonymous said...

Will, try roll two marbles in a piece of tin foil ( not to tight)and see them flip down the ramp. Great pictures.