Hi Everyone,
We want to thank everyone who participated in the cake contest! It was a really tough decision for our judges, but here are the winners!

Saturday was disc golfing and pumpkin carving. I think they all turned out pretty well.
Mickie's was great. She did "Pumpkin Head Harvey" I was pretty impressed with how much it actually looked like my dad.
It's lightening MaQueen. Cachaw.
Sundays dinner. Random picture I know. Will said he just wanted a picture of his family. Pot stickers, yummm.
We turned off the TV for the night again. You find some interesting things to do when you are not being entertained by the TV.
Lots of dancing...
Poor Will, Jason made him dance the whole entire CD which is 30 minutes long. Will was so tied by the end of it. But I think it was totally worth it.
Last but not least, we had Travis over to play Ticket to Ride. I pulled off the victory by one point. Will thought that he was going to win, but right in the end I pulled off the victory. Mwahahaha.
Yesterday was an eventful day. I first went to a doctors appointment.
I am such a nerd. Art and Steph got me some Del Sol nail polish. It changes when it is in the sun. I have walked outside a few times just to see the nail polish change. Haha. I think I am just as bad as Will, except no one is here to document it.
I am sad that Jason broke a bottle of the nail polish. We were downstairs and he was playing with my new bottles. I didn't think that they would break so I let him play with them. Why not right. I was on the phone with my aunt and all of a sudden I smelled nail polish. Oh crap!
Jason had managed to break it in a plastic duck bag that he has. There was no nail polish any where but there, on his hands, and mine. I was so amazed. I just threw the bag away, washed his hands, and that was it. I really lucked out. From now on he wont be touching my nail polish.
2 Nights ago Will and I tried a new recipe for the crock pot. I will not pass the recipe on because this is what will said, "I can eat lousy food, but I can't eat bad food. That tastes like vomit." Well at least he was honest with me. So to make things up for such a crumby dinner we had Salty chicken last night, his favorite, (I still had a bowl of cereal).
I occasionally like to eat Cheetos, but the problem is that they turn your fingers orange. Well I have the perfect way to eat them. You eat them and practice your chopstick skills at once. Yes I know the picture is dark, but Jason was being a silly goose in it. We couldn't help but put this picture on the blog.
The last thing was that we went to Ikea to look for beds. It was an interesting store, but we didn't not find any beds that we wanted for Jason. It is such a hard decision. Do we get a bunk bed? a twin bed? a bunk bed with a larger mattress on the bottom? a twin with drawers? I think it will take us a little while to find something that we both want. Jason had tons of fun laying in each of the beds while we looked. We did how ever end up buying Jason some plastic cups, bowls, and plates while we were there. I think they will be the perfect size for him.
After that we went over and hung out at the Spence's for a while. Lets just say Jason really trusts Matt. He would jump off the counter to Matt. You can see the video on Mickie's blog. Goofy kid.